Monday 17 April 2023


So dangerous can be intentions

While on the other hand, no reverse to actions

To walk ahead, one leg has to lead

But with intervals, they all lead

Your destination is arrived by a pattern

And by its flow there is no a turn

The challenges thereby you must win

Only if to the source of your intentions you are keen

Just A Passing Wind....

I know of moments
You feel you have nothing
You feel you're a total mess
Everyone around you matters not
But the truth is, that's a passing wind

You were born with a great purpose
You have a great reason to live
You may not see it but it's so true
I too may not know, but you matter
Your unworthiness is a passing wind..

You've been through a lot
A lot to sink
But still here you are breathing
So strong at heart,
The body may be weak but inside strong
Never falter, it's a passing wind

It goes to everything losing taste
And you feel that no one understands
Any you too can't understand
Just hold on strong, don't shut down
It's a passing wind

It is, yes, it is a passing wind

It will be well...


It will be well!

Friday 23 September 2022

Talking Eyes...

Just how she looks, just how she blinks
You need no words to follow her expressions
She looks and you act as if told
You see all in there
You can trace hope or despair
If happy or sad
That's how it should be
Or feel stung like that of a bee
Understanding is
And brings along bliss
So get to know
And all mess blow

Thursday 25 February 2021

Keep Going..

Who knows where to begin

Who knows where to end

We just got a drive to take us along

For you, just hit a start

Prayer being your precedent

Faith taking you all through

And all will work

No doubt, all will work

You will move life's mountains

Great things to amaze the world

So, keep going, sure of direction

Just move.....

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Cast The Past With No Replay...

You wake up in the morn'
With a heart that feels torn,
Helpless about your situation
And your eyes dimmed of vision,
However you rise to face the day
Hoping heavens will share a way,
Change of the norm is your desire
And time is beckoning for retire,
Just a room for a post you pray
And cast the past without replay.

The society to you is watching
Their only hope in sea drifting,
Life is playing cruel left and right
While at sight everything is tight,
Cash at hand can't meet the need
The land also being barren of seed,
Everything you adjust to balance
Hoping hope will show at a glance,
When just a room for a post you pray
Then cast the past with no replay

The streets know you well than you do
And none matches your story to say, me too
Feel of being heavenly forgotten rolls
Then you slumber harvesting from strolls
Hand to mouth you've longed to quit
Your equals in posts, with them you are spit
No where to run, the harsh you must face
And responsibilities none to act in your place
Only room for a post you pray
And cast past without replay

Through the turmoil is seen longsuffering
Aiming the target without despairing
Courage then petitions your case
Goes ahead your room to trace
The dawning is now graced by the sun
Then peace you richly start to earn
A witness you stand tall to the society
That by grace you'll testify about liberty
When room opens for the post you pray
And the past is cast with no replay...

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Victory Finds None To Accuse..

I worry not of a heart that's strong,

For faith should be the theme all along,

The roads have proved to be so rough,

But who promised that it wouldn't be tough?

The pace of life is always already set,

And we just join and get captured in its net,

We adjust and readjust so in it to fit,

But sometimes it gives us a hard treat!

Strength is all we need from our within,

If life's journey we have to win,

Despairing is a word we shouldn't use,

For victory finds none to accuse!

To You I Propose...

My girl you are as good as fine

That's why to you I sublime

I don't think it's early to ask

My patience can't last till dusk

Am a man of few straight words

So if far, shorten the yards 

Come close I share what's burning 

Then make mind without running 

I need your heart to feel and pamper

I promise your whole not to tamper

From many around the globe you stand

And your nature no tycoon can fund

To you I can only promise love

For its only what I bulky have

I'll shower you its pureness

And massage on you endless

My heart now awaits the ruling 

My body spirit and soul anticipating 

In orison for lack to fall

Then the chapter we stall..