Tuesday 19 January 2016


What is health?
- wellness.
- the state of being free from illness or injury.
- a state of well-being or balance, often physical but sometimes also mental and social; the overall level of function of an organism from the cellular (micro) level to the social (macro) level.

All creatures do enjoy in good health
The best that any can have is health
A little ailment brings a lot of discomfort
And torments the body with threats

Illness with all sorts of names they do come
In that, we appreciate medics for support
A life of drugs to us was never intended
But when subdued in it, I pray, swim safe

A sanatorium ain't a better place to be
But without them, where would we be
Hearts pray for healing and good health
For it is worthy more far the worldly wealth

Practice simple health by your nutrition
And govern your body applying restriction
Subject your body too in field of calisthenics
For it is a great campanile, but not of bricks!

..Wish you good health..

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