Monday 6 February 2017

Fearless Walk..

Every morning has its blessings
While each day bears its challenges
No walk in life a simple walk
But in all have a fearless walk

Rise with a super orison
And towards victory do sojourn
No walk in life a simple walk
But in all have a fearless walk

Your dealings do with diligent
For God grants measured intellect
No walk in life a simple walk
But in all have a fearless walk

In all corners good and bad exist
It is for you to know what to resist
No walk in life a simple walk
But in all have a fearless walk

Take heart and fight for your dream
Watching your light never to dim
No walk in life a simple walk
But in all have a fearless walk

Not all wish one to be successful
For haters will brand you a fool
No walk in life a simple walk
But in all have a fearless walk

Your fans also weigh their trust
Crocodile tears to you they may burst
No walk in life a simple walk
But in all have a fearless walk

Be brave more than the serpent
Or else you'll be living in repent
No walk in life a simple walk
But in all have a fearless walk

Now, put your moves to test
But keep on track for the best
No walk in life a simple walk
But in all have a fearless walk

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