Wednesday 30 March 2016

The Outcome..

Of things that you've been trying
Rather things that you've been doing
Your expectations tend to be high
That every successful step you sigh

You're working out something new
Of men that they know it are few
Your intellect is assuring you of best
As every sample you try do the test

The final product is then your outcome
You brand with a label when done
It is what you have been searching for
Where its worth was good running for

Many things of their outcome you'd want to find
Let nothing stop you neither chains to you bind
Perhaps, a lifetime solution
In a happy destination..

The Outcome!

Wednesday 23 March 2016

She wants to come back..

Blind was her love when she sunk
She had herself in it fully dunk
Taking control as if swimming alone
Like air, it disappeared and gone

Actions explained everything
Everyone seeing her thinking
Left, she was of her deeds
Perhaps attending to self creeds

The steering was not her's
Where else, every other has
You thought you owned the world
Sorry, near you he'll never be around

He moved on and you did watch
Yes, he healed and has a new touch
Then, she wants to come back?
Oh no! Tell her, her shit to tack!

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Let's agree..

I want to go East
You want the West
Fact, East is from West
Fact, West is from East

We have lots of differences
That changes not our circumferences
Draw your lines with caution
Taking every precaution

When you lay a stone
Many times you are not alone
A tower is built by those in union
Still disintegrated by power of confusion

Let's agree, you here and me there
Attending all steps with lots of care
Take time to learn your environment
And with men get into agreement

Venture more as in heights you rise
And someday you'll face a new sunrise

Saturday 19 March 2016

No Idling..

Simple but louder to drive you away
How did you there then do sway?

Mostly spotted in busy businesses
Where idlers fall not  in lists cases
You know what you went there for
With a purpose in your group of four

Get the right place for your business
Hence play brightness or laziness

Those words help you be creative
Yes, making you even innovative
That's how to interpret the term
Unveiling the words' scum

No Idling!

Saturday 12 March 2016


From the multitude you were chosen
With time, unveiled as were you hidden
All eyes do praise your natural physique
Going to testify how you are very unique

Leave that alone now

Just a way of defining beautiful
That's natural, not from beauty school
Almighty's creation
Seeing his provision

Now see this...

Did you know that anything attracts something?
Sure, one thing is another things' purpose
For real, yes, indeed a great purpose

To your sight it may not please
But to another, please so apace

Nature is beautiful
Thus you are party
Let your joy be full
Witnessing the lovely..

The Walk..

Alone if you walk
Destiny is never certain

Alone if you talk
Decisions stand challenged

Alone if you do
Foundation may be weak

You need a hand

Never walk alone
As much as you trust yourself

Not only a guide you need
But also one to sojourn with

Hence destiny is sure..