Wednesday 20 April 2016

Rise and go...

Don't just sit there

Rise and go

A new day, a new life

You've got to find

Pray for strength

Ideas will come

Then take the step

A step of courage

Don't look behind

Failures to attract

Let the past go

And future behold

So, rise and go

The potential's in you..

You can make it!

Friday 15 April 2016


That is how they are

I guess nature made them so

East to far West their culture talks

Never drifted by modernization

They stand to embrace culture

An exclusive community in a Nation

Yes, and they are proud being so

What are you proud of?

What is it that you’ll never abandon?

Not necessarily from your culture!

May be a self-decision way to live

May be a conviction from belief

More, also, are many things to follow!

The question is so simple, see..

What makes you different?

Wednesday 6 April 2016


I call it peace
The reign of silence

When you can listen to self
Scanning your heart's shelf

There, amendments are made
All dirt to the alien are trade

Flawless to close of perfection

Clear the mind is and so free
From heart, a peaceful decree

That is just part of its essence
Just let it then see the sense

Of heart and more of mind
Worth when it you do find

You'll call it peace