Tuesday 24 July 2018

Queen Of My Heart!

From the other worlds you came
A gap to fill my hearts, fame

Heaven had no choice but to send
Only you and me could do blend

My planet did notice your visit
To a kingdom where you had a seat

They saw you as an alien
But to someone, an amen

You confidently walked 
You reasonably talked

My hand held the tiara for you
Symbol for my heart's desire for you

You knew who you are, a queen
The royalty nature now into being

What else can you be to me?

You are the queen of mine heart!

Wednesday 4 July 2018

The Evening Tea..

When will the evening come
When will the cup come

Sweet is the tea by the time
When its scent the breeze sends to me

Chilly the day tends to be
My eyes now that cup I want to see

Send it my way with no delay
The debt of cold my body to repay

Active I am when warm
Just like a switch when on

Don't you hesitate when it's time
You may make your drinks be hot lime

Keep fit keep healthy in seasons
And cold will keep away even with reasons

When the cup comes!