Friday 1 November 2019

Smile Took Over...

Smile went for a mile
Loaded with a spirit of guile
A kingdom that was to last
Its end was witnessed fast

Smile had packaged lust
The weapon to the kingdom's oust
She had all the power
Even turning sweet to sour

The king with all his might
To her, he restricted not his sight
She displayed herself with ease
Strong reactions of bliss

King's aide tried save the mess
But master rebuked to stop stress
She was the hottest King's catch
But Smile was there for a snatch

He didn't foresee the lapse
His might and Kingdom had to collapse
She had taken over the throne
The Kingdom sold and gone

Kingdom or Smile was the question!
And the King bequeathed the Queen!

She valued power
That no man gave a flower
It was her game in reign
Be it sunshine or rain

Smile had got it all
Strong, never to fail or fall
The King in the man
Leached to a Queen in a woman

Smile took it..
Smile took over..
Smile reigned...

Friday 4 October 2019

When the link is weak!

What did they say?
"a chain is as strong as its weakest link"
Life is just but a journey
We walk all walk, on plane and regular
Now, you form a team
Where you work bright the beam
One lights, another fires, another blazes
The spirit of a bonfire!
But did you know this?
"A chain is as strong as it's weakest link"
One in the team weakens the bond
Lost now is the rhythm of the song
This is where drowning starts
tad tad tad tad
The link becomes weak
The team sick
See, that is when there's lack of unity
as you know..
"Unity is strength"
The loop holes need to be sealed
The unity brought back
The link strengthened
The bond cemented
 When the link is weak
Humanity power fails.

..and the Ethiopian Proverb says...
"When spiders unite, they can tie down a lion"

Thursday 6 June 2019

The Interview

I woke up pretty early that sunrise found me sleepless. An orison I made to bless my circles and jumped off bed to the bathroom. I took a cold shower with that mentality of 'being fresh.' Dressed up and at the mirror facing self to self-interview. In a grey three piece suit the look wouldn't deceive. Breakfast was served but as you if you've ever been in this, the appetite is captured. I got ready and was set to face the monster before me.

I took a taxi and tried to warm the back left seat. Through the roads; bumps, turns, the braking and accelerations were not felt by me. This was strange to this person who notices all that happens on ways and highways when driven. "Young man, Isn't this your destination?" The taxi driver said as he pulled towards a big silver painted gate. "Sure, it is, thank you!" I replied. I paid for the trip and alighted.

Straight to the door as if accustomed to it I went, the doors slid open and my right foot stepped in first. I introduced myself at the reception desk where I knew the interview has just began. I was led to the interview room by the same I met at the desk, a short smart-looking lady. She knew what I was going to face. Leading me through the corridors she uplifted my spirits and wished me the best as I replied 'thank you' with a shaky voice.

"Welcome," the interviewers in unison called. Well groomed men on my vicinity. One of them ushered me to a seat, I sat. The seat looked warm and comfortable but the truth is I personally was not comfortable. I felt suspended on air, repulsive to gravity. So keen, I tamed every organ of me to be obedient, alert and responsive to anything that happens within the boardroom.

Some seconds of silence took domain before the first interviewer ruled over it. It felt like forever. Their questionnaire was audibly read. Carefully I responded emptying the richness of my mind in response to questions posed. The truth is that my skin perspired a rate like one in a hot kitchen. I held my mouchoir close to help me hide the tension. I really needed the position.

"Gentleman, we are happy to have you. We shall let you know the soonest if the board considers your application.."

"I'm looking forward to that. Thank you Sirs"

Thursday 14 March 2019

Unexplained pain that was solved..

...She called with an emotional weak voice, 'hello.....hello..' I knew that something was not right. The whimpering, shaking.. I went ahead, "hey, hey darling, please cool down and explain yourself to me.." She went ahead, 'I'm o.. okay, I'll be fine.' Not hesitating, I interrupted, " is true my dear that you are okay, but I believe you did call with a reason to be okay because you weren't.... see, being okay is right which anyone is and can be, but by the tone you called with, a suppressed pain was felt.." She added nothing so I went on, "Don't die in pain when you are talking to a Doc." She giggled. "Yeah, how would one go to a sanatorium with an ailment and the physician asks, 'how are you feeling?' then, in pain say, 'I'm okay Doc!'" She mumbles something. "Do you have an idea why we live once on earth?" I didn't expect a reply, so I continued, "humans were created in a perfect stature and so they are expected to live to their best in that 'single life.' Your happiness is not guaranteed by somebody else but by self. So, be happy, learn how to avoid mess and seek guidance from them brave who have trod the path before you.." I paused as if to let her interject but she played soundless. So, not to write everything, I took her through talk in mountains, valleys, deserts, through the ocean, yes, round the universe for her to see the good and bad, the rough and smooth.. She burst in laughter, the story changed, the day made and her happiness was restored...

Towards Something

The busy mind had to crack,

The lazy mind sunk in dark,

Who said the best is inherited?

It is for them that are committed,

Even failure you walk towards it,

And you can choose there not to land!

Success is a site where all want to be,

But, in it, you need the spirit of a bee!

No loss is acquired by hard work,

If there is, let me proof read your calculations.

Have you ever thought of life's purpose?

All of us, ambitions great but goal, one,

To succeed!

Not just succeed, but being successful!

You are to mold your skills, your art.

The best in you to discover,

Your potential to recover.

For walking you'll have to walk towards something

Good, bad, better, worse!

Towards something...

Go now get what's best for you

Know your purpose!

Wednesday 6 February 2019


You just got to think
Sometimes after that blink
Many things you tend ponder
And waddle in wonder

An immediate respond
Sure of fish from the pond
Solving has never been easy
Ask bearings when not greasy

Get to tune it your way
And make the right play
That's why I sit at my seat
Sipping as I eat

I just want to think right
My actions too to attract sight
Far from mistakes
Tasty like cakes

All these it's because of the mind
And sometimes you can't rewind
So let me think twice
Before I pay the price

My thoughts I'll dig in and out
Fruitful you'll witness the sprout
Now go exercise your brain
Till men think you got it in twain

Think big, think real
And witness as it fulfill..

Saturday 12 January 2019

Move On..

When the stretch seems long
And you are in the midst of a throng

Then you notice something wrong
It's time to play that hope song

Word by word sing along
Each line stressed by a bong

If you remember the mighty King Kong
Yes, the one from Hong Kong

Look how he did play strong
He knew where he did belong

Get the courage and move on!