Thursday 6 June 2019

The Interview

I woke up pretty early that sunrise found me sleepless. An orison I made to bless my circles and jumped off bed to the bathroom. I took a cold shower with that mentality of 'being fresh.' Dressed up and at the mirror facing self to self-interview. In a grey three piece suit the look wouldn't deceive. Breakfast was served but as you if you've ever been in this, the appetite is captured. I got ready and was set to face the monster before me.

I took a taxi and tried to warm the back left seat. Through the roads; bumps, turns, the braking and accelerations were not felt by me. This was strange to this person who notices all that happens on ways and highways when driven. "Young man, Isn't this your destination?" The taxi driver said as he pulled towards a big silver painted gate. "Sure, it is, thank you!" I replied. I paid for the trip and alighted.

Straight to the door as if accustomed to it I went, the doors slid open and my right foot stepped in first. I introduced myself at the reception desk where I knew the interview has just began. I was led to the interview room by the same I met at the desk, a short smart-looking lady. She knew what I was going to face. Leading me through the corridors she uplifted my spirits and wished me the best as I replied 'thank you' with a shaky voice.

"Welcome," the interviewers in unison called. Well groomed men on my vicinity. One of them ushered me to a seat, I sat. The seat looked warm and comfortable but the truth is I personally was not comfortable. I felt suspended on air, repulsive to gravity. So keen, I tamed every organ of me to be obedient, alert and responsive to anything that happens within the boardroom.

Some seconds of silence took domain before the first interviewer ruled over it. It felt like forever. Their questionnaire was audibly read. Carefully I responded emptying the richness of my mind in response to questions posed. The truth is that my skin perspired a rate like one in a hot kitchen. I held my mouchoir close to help me hide the tension. I really needed the position.

"Gentleman, we are happy to have you. We shall let you know the soonest if the board considers your application.."

"I'm looking forward to that. Thank you Sirs"