Friday 4 October 2019

When the link is weak!

What did they say?
"a chain is as strong as its weakest link"
Life is just but a journey
We walk all walk, on plane and regular
Now, you form a team
Where you work bright the beam
One lights, another fires, another blazes
The spirit of a bonfire!
But did you know this?
"A chain is as strong as it's weakest link"
One in the team weakens the bond
Lost now is the rhythm of the song
This is where drowning starts
tad tad tad tad
The link becomes weak
The team sick
See, that is when there's lack of unity
as you know..
"Unity is strength"
The loop holes need to be sealed
The unity brought back
The link strengthened
The bond cemented
 When the link is weak
Humanity power fails.

..and the Ethiopian Proverb says...
"When spiders unite, they can tie down a lion"