Tuesday 16 June 2020

Quarter-way in 2020

The feel of emptiness when the mind is clogged
The feel of undeserving when in a breach of thoughts

Day in day out with the same rise and set of the sun
Just a change is what hearts are expecting to feel

The days are fogged with life's dark and chilly clouds
The might and the weak in dismay of what next
Solutions far from being suggested 
Who knew that the turn was here?

The drive of me to capture it in writing...
A stand still!

The squeeze that makes one circumscribed
Without playing an escapee of the situation
Where to run, all run, and refuge is ones soul
Where when you have the ball to pass, none plays.

And the sweet game is only..
A sole play!

Like a travail many are entangled
Working their way out
State departments started and withered
The initial zeal is no more.

Those in duty have changed their norm
Caution just like in a sanatorium
Trying to save and stabilize the economy
While others working from home their irony..

Unpaid leave with silent retrenchments
The squeeze in homes for daily bread
Nations are stuck in a quagmire
Being left with...
Only God.

......just an observation