Friday 29 January 2016


Like a scorpion your sting
You find it your only thing
Quarrelsome and disputatious
Of things petty even not precious

The wise went ahead and said,

"Do not
answer a fool
according to his folly,
you yourself
will be
just like him."

Try tame the tongue
Beside its fangs
It can disintegrate
And leave regrets

The only tool is love
Go that and have
And the scorpion will lose the sting

For love is corrective


Let me be free
Yes, carefree
Free from all troubles
Free from anxiety
Free from all worry
That's all I want

You pin me tight
I can't take a flight
At my face you roar
Filling me with terror
I don't want be in pain
And myself I slain

Guide by the truth
Like how a baby you'd soothe
Then let me a step take
To survey life's lake
And if you hold my hand
In my optimism I shall land

..from an insouciant mind..

Thursday 21 January 2016

It's mine..

Strong is the spirit
Go ye forth, no relent
Tough be and let them comprehend
You are heads away from the tail

Every battle you are bound to win
As victory to you was a covenant
Fear not, for your steps are of faith
'coz your heart is  being subservient

You may suffer wounds and get scars
But your eyes are so focused to destiny
And no matter what, a crown to wear
Yes, a crown

Take a step, go forth, victory awaits..
It's yours

And when you get there
yes, "It's mine,"
you'll softly say..

Tuesday 19 January 2016


What is health?
- wellness.
- the state of being free from illness or injury.
- a state of well-being or balance, often physical but sometimes also mental and social; the overall level of function of an organism from the cellular (micro) level to the social (macro) level.

All creatures do enjoy in good health
The best that any can have is health
A little ailment brings a lot of discomfort
And torments the body with threats

Illness with all sorts of names they do come
In that, we appreciate medics for support
A life of drugs to us was never intended
But when subdued in it, I pray, swim safe

A sanatorium ain't a better place to be
But without them, where would we be
Hearts pray for healing and good health
For it is worthy more far the worldly wealth

Practice simple health by your nutrition
And govern your body applying restriction
Subject your body too in field of calisthenics
For it is a great campanile, but not of bricks!

..Wish you good health..

Busy World...

There is a time 'busy' was never busy
Today, time has been replaced by 'busy'
Yes, East West North and South we do occupy
But for need of some time we need to apply

Industries and offices all round they are run
In roads, traffic,our fuel, without will, we burn
The busy term gradually taking full control
Whilst everyone with phones you'll see them scroll

Nothing wrong having things to do or to meet
Perhaps opportunities are plenty in cities' street
But what is the drive to this called 'busy state'?
Nothing much but money to fill the life's plate

So, in the right, go and seek hence you shall find
Later, when you achieve, to yourself try be kind
For what is worth after success and get destroyed?
No need, utilize to the best as you had prayed..

Monday 11 January 2016

Taking Heights.

What heights of life to climb
For daily search of success
All around we do try to find
Like what was lost to get the bless

We sojourn here and far for victory
Just to leave behind a great legacy
See, if you survey East or West
It's all about hunt for life's best

Dad might instill virtues the hard way
Mum implement them still with no delay
People then there envy your faculty of life
But that is your parents' wisdom drive

Thank you for them that do strive
For in all life zones you'll do thrive
Victory is yours dear friends
As you try meet all ends

..all the best..


Unity is strength
No matter the length
Yes, you can stand alone
But two are better than one
You say you do it better
But we two, 'tis more better

When you do fall
Am here for your call
When you do cry
Let one make them dry
When you stumble
I'll not let you crumble
And when in aid
It will be like all was paid

Unity conquers downfalls
Bringing good scenes as waterfalls
It strengthens  life's strings
Displaying amazing things

Come let us pull together
 Here a sister there a brother
It is worth it all
When unity gives a call

Unity is strength..

Friday 8 January 2016

For the record...

Have you ever been interrogated?
Things that they have to know
Simple but very salient
Yes, for the record

What is your name?
Even when you are fame.
Where do you come from?
Even when you own part of the state!
What is your surname?
Even when as an adopted child.
What is your mother tongue?
Even though you are a linguistic.
Are you married?
If no, you have the potential...

..and more questions
answer as they come
as it is for the record..

No more No less

Tuesday 5 January 2016

In granny's hut..

It was known every evening where the feet leads
Not even mind nor the eyes
The hut was warm, and we packed like bread in the oven
Chain of stories, what ears don't here often
As her raspy stammering speech told it all
All of us keenly lending her all ears

Deeper we sunk in the anecdote and felt real
That when she narrated you'd feel the thrill
To some point, she pinned our imaginations with fear
A wisdom way to send young to bed for a lesson they wouldn't bear
The old ma'am would only giggle and do the proceeding
As she knew how sweet was the tale feeding

History was filled in her as she spew memories
Actually, as listeners, we jumped from the present and lived the past
With gestures, sounds, mimicry she made it so lively
She was gifted that everyone was yearning for more
"hey, good night friends, tomorrow God willing," she said..
The library where all read and heard from one.

In the granny's hut..

Trouble Maker..

Your work is to watch
But with an intend to spoil
Your work is to suggest
With what that misleads
Your work is to cook
That which is rotten
Your work is to build
Where no foundation stands
Trouble maker

Your work is to write
What the eyes says illegible
Your work is to talk
That hurts innocents
Your work is to master
Taking advantage of power
Your work is to disintegrate
What was to stand strong
Trouble Maker

Friday 1 January 2016

Giving your all..

Many things we do plan
But a times, they go undone
It is no bad to set them goals
But to them, do we accomplish?

See, everyone is talented
In anyway, it is a talent
Though we are fond of despising
Not knowing the potential therein

For what thrills in you, go meet
As long as it drives to proper merit
Fear not, an inward pressure leads
And like obliged, you'll perform

Give your all to the nation
Wide, extend it to the world
As knowledge is seen in practicals
It is a talent, worth hidden treasures

You can make it
Just a little try
A little encouragement
And we turn the world around

An if from you I ask a piece
'twill be by
Giving your all in service..


By God's grace, friends we have crossed
For it, it was not just to you purposed

Your efforts wouldn't too bring the new year
But here we stand cheering, Happy new Year

Here is the day
Yes, first day of the year
A new page many to open
With all their do's and do not's

In that, I hope the past will act a shadow
For the new year, I wish you victory
Just play positive in all you do
And blessings shall strain not to pour

All the best..