Friday 26 February 2016


Far I don't like it when you go
Leaves me cold as by the wind am blown

Every time my phone rings
Of you memories fill sweet things

All around my world you paint love
That nothing else I'd ever have

Just need you nearer than near
For you drive away lone and fear

Your presence keeps me warm
Safe, held by your strong arm

Distance, am hunting you mercilessly
To cage you forever and eternally

For what I like and love please be near
You are the treasure I value so dear

But if you have to go, open your heart
Then me in there and it wouldn't hurt

Since around you, I belong...

Friday 19 February 2016


So much was he treasured
But it ended at the grave
He was honorably buried
Last respects they gave

'Is all lost?', friends did ask
He was unique, one of a kind
Covering all like the husk
Preaching unity, all to bind

Would you really say lost?
No, actually, he ran his race
His mission at hearts he post
And he settled down his case

Nothing is lost
Just a space of time
And heavens will host
Those stood by the line

We know not what morrow brings
But faith and hope in us holds
Promising inside like wed rings
Keeping us firm in respective folds is never lost...

Thursday 18 February 2016

Extra Mile

Nothing you'll ever do that will satisfy
No matter the formula you do apply
Extra mile you'd want to scamper
In attainment yourself to pamper

Watch keen as your steps you stride
And don't you be drifted by life's tide
Your natural wisdom will count
Exploit it like the only fount

Men will always vie for the extra mile
Since their stores they want to pile
Slumber not when you are full of ability
At ease, show power of your integrity

It is chasing for the extra mile
Where gratification adds not all while
That the need of mining may increase
And acts of laziness in depths decrease

Your effort will always be blessed
Victory glowing from what you faced
Fear not to go for the extra mile
When the fundamental you want to file..

Monday 15 February 2016

Blended with venom!

Of all that she did evil was present
When will she ever do just a thing decent
She woke up with the sun from the East
She tarried not from her work before sunset

But what was her plot all while the days?
Disfigure, devastate any that humbly lays
Her own parentage she'd simply execute
For her personal gain, both ugly and cute.

To her, terminate to acquire was her theory
And after its application, a story in history
A warm welcome she will offer anyone
Alas if you fall on her list, 'one by one'

Notable repast for you will be blend by venom
That she'll enjoy your quietus like any norm
Yes, she needs more of material than you
Her giant doting being sweet-sour and untrue.

Go slow as you see her signs being evident
And be enriched with wisdom to avoid accident

Her bait is blended with venom
So, near her, never try to roam!

Friday 12 February 2016


Not only of what you sow
But even of words you spew
Did you know the chem in a grain
Actually, it brings forth of its kind
A bean seed can't produce a maize plant
So, you reap what you sow

Same way in life
What do you feed your mind?
Is it what that tells all who you are?
Yes, good or evil you'll display.

Take heed of what you eat.
Take heed as you digest it.
Take heed when utilizing it.

To others heart, sow healthy seed
And the best in them you shall see.

For every seed brings forth after its kind..

Wednesday 10 February 2016


Never a time for me to despair
For if I, ages will I live to repair

What then do I need to be bold?
When success is as a story told!

A step empowered with confidence
A mind filled will bulk prudence
Focus on what your inside says right
And slog like never, day and night

Though my victories may be delayed
But am firm as it's not being denied

As long as I have breath
I'll conquer all width and breadth
That is from the unfathomable spirit
A waning heart should adopt it

Never give up when its at your face
No matter your pace you'll win the race

Say never to despair
Whenever you cover all in prayer..

Saturday 6 February 2016

Stand out..

To the workplace by zeal you landed
From many your papers were honored
Everyone knew the potential you got
You had to utilize it not letting it rot

But now here comes colleague pressure
Filled with indifference as their pleasure
They start prattling to munch your mind
Mind them not and to them be blind

Life to you may seem so unfair
That's when you heed to their engaged gear

Better be strong your life to focus
And all their mess will come to pass
I believe that you are brave
More than hiding out in a cave

They'll not give you rest
As they'll attack at levels best
They are after your household name
Since you are playing a quality game

Don't you suffer trepidation
Stand out to scuffle the intimidation
No place you'll ever ride smooth
So tear toughs with canine tooth

And like an eagle soar great heights
Beaming with triumphant lights..

..let go and stand out..

Change not to suit them
Let them change
What you disgorge.

Thursday 4 February 2016

The Clishmaclaver..

Even before the cock crows
You are up as if set for an expedition
Only to find out that
You rose to watch
You rose to listen
You rose to team up
And seal with tittle-tattle
With your idle troupe!

What do walls of the estate say?
Chapels, mosques, offices and markets?
They are familiar to your voice!

Your scent
Every dog can easily smell
Your footprints
Even the disabled can follow
Your laughter
Defines the anecdote you're sinking in
Your eyes
Betraying your loyalty
Your mind
Deep in an unscrupulous state.

Do you know what you are doing?
Shattering the best of the community!

Go build, not to destroy
Go advice, not to mislead
Go help, never to injure
Spew words with vigor
Your world to revolutionize

"where you are
please don't be

Wednesday 3 February 2016

The Bus..

It is always on time
Stage to stage for its  passengers
The conductor knows them all
The driver knows their destinations

Everyone therein sits with great comfort
Positioned to their respective seats
In low tones you'll hear people talk
As the bus grips the road smoothly

Another morning comes
And at my departure stage I stand
A little while here it comes,the bus
My nerves sure to arrive safe

From passengers we no longer were
But brothers and sisters we became
The bus ferried and knew its own
Passengers being adopted and adapted

Am waiting for the bus
Am sure its on my way
It knows my destination
And am certain to be there on time

..the bus..


For real, hard work pays
But is your work only for a day?

See, they set working hours
24 hour jobs running in shifts
That together the best to achieve

Surprisingly, others work lengthy
Extending working hours with poor output

Oh my, a break is good
To work don't be glued
Its best when done in time
And when all can sing the rhyme
Don't try be good for nothing
When duty lays for something

Work on and in time
Not working till over time

Abrade not your tissues for another day
Or sick in a sanatorium you shall lay
Work when you are fresh and sober
And with might you'll perform

Remember, I said not, don't work
But, silver and gold no matter how deep
They will be mined..

All the best in your exertions..