Monday 15 February 2016

Blended with venom!

Of all that she did evil was present
When will she ever do just a thing decent
She woke up with the sun from the East
She tarried not from her work before sunset

But what was her plot all while the days?
Disfigure, devastate any that humbly lays
Her own parentage she'd simply execute
For her personal gain, both ugly and cute.

To her, terminate to acquire was her theory
And after its application, a story in history
A warm welcome she will offer anyone
Alas if you fall on her list, 'one by one'

Notable repast for you will be blend by venom
That she'll enjoy your quietus like any norm
Yes, she needs more of material than you
Her giant doting being sweet-sour and untrue.

Go slow as you see her signs being evident
And be enriched with wisdom to avoid accident

Her bait is blended with venom
So, near her, never try to roam!

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