Wednesday 31 August 2016

The Target..

You start like you ain't
You proceed like just norm

You go against 'you can't'
You don't mind pace of worm

You say, 'got to reach there'
You don't mind how wide

You let go all world's care
You surf through all tide

You are the heart we need
You are the best example

You reach the target with speed
You make all ask your sample

You analyze your environs with ease
You perform with no regret

You work for all mess to cease
You say it's hitting life's target..

You kill all barrier
You never get a good bone

You are the warrior
You stand tall alone

the target

Thursday 11 August 2016

Whispering love..

Time to say and not to pretend
For this is always I have intend

You to see, have and more to hold
Whispering secrets of worlds' untold

Writing is only for this day today
But the saccharine deeds, everyday

Future, our best, though 'tis mystery
Yesterday sails fade, great memory

Ocean of love to you I now flaunt
Free of condemn that will be taunt

You are the world that I am host
Mine, you are and can't help boast

Now you that I have I firmly protect
My mind and heart declining predict

Since I get to know the only defense
Minding of pessimist where too I fence

Loving you is of the purest intense
For I cherish you with abundance

And if you could take me be done
I will surrender in reckless abandon!

..whispering love..

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Fast to First!

Try reach there first
I mean be fast

No time to delay
It's like relay

A minute when lost
None again will host

Fast to first
And first from fast

Go for the trophy
Worth the fee

Get set, aim great..