Monday 19 September 2016

The Week.

Seven days you were packed
That's the length you'd be tacked

For you, we plan in advance
Like how we do in finance

What to do notes we fill you
Diaries speaking of you too

You accommodate our duties
In your seven pieces

And if not this week
And never did last week
Then, next week!

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Missed You..

Feels like you sunk deep in a hole
When mem'ry shares, 'you are my whole'

Now here we are split by circumstances
As we've been up down hunting chances

You are my daylight star, the sun
Happy when your rays on my skin burn

Your face to me glows than the moon
And can't be with you later but soon

You make my dull day so bright
And my blind spots you've been my sight

I can't wait, when come, the embrace so tight
Where there, I freely feel, all alright

Sprint your way towards me, am waiting
Can't help it thinking of you as am writing

My arms for you are opened so wide
That is my world, by your side!

..missed you..

Aged Bitch!

Age you've gathered but mind is tampered,
Buying a set of tyres to an unroadworthy auto!
You've never learnt from your encounter,
Like an old dog, new tricks can't be taught!

Concepts from you, none can extract,
For, of high magnitude, you're extremely corrupt!
Good and shoddy, your humor imbalances,
And the witless part of you, you stash not!

Your odious life, to you, it is lifestyle,
Nature letting you sway therein mercilessly!
Your sanity is full of perplexity,
Only your creator can adjust your gray matter!

Your age shouldn't be associated with fly-by-night,
Even so, no injection can cure your feral oddity!
You've always acted immune to facts so true,
But when your fate pops, none will brave it for you!

Many eyes are on the look you mongrel,
Get your pieces gathered before you're shattered!
You better learn this before you sink,
We are human, and extremes, you'll not vamoose!

...aged bitch!..

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Was Alone..

I wouldn't want to mind,
Whatever they say or grind.

Got to play my game right,
For none will help me fight.

All the shit I went through,
I battled alone for what's true.

Was loaded with all ammunition,
Courageous to confront competition.

It wasn't easy but I conquered,
And the book of victory I scribbled.

Far and wide men did come,
To witness one who stood so firm.

Why come now when am crowned,
And you were deaf to the battle sound?

Now walk your way I walk mine,
It's me to choose with who to dine.

Now, for each let's not harm detect,
So if we meet at points award respect.

Thus, no time to plunge to disinfect,
Still, no problem if treated a suspect!

...was alone...

Monday 5 September 2016

Useful but Untamable!

We search till we go wild
For to us is a treasure we gild
All directions we go to hunt
With tools so sharp and blunt.

Degrees of intellect take lead
Less intellects to go plead
But at the close of the day
Hunters enjoy a quota pay.

It's solely the medium of exchange
And you cannot self change
The more you get the more you need
The less you have, still, more you need!

It is one of ones you can't content
For you can't tame, buy or rent
You got to keep it moving around
Since its used to bob and bound.

This game, soon, will not stop!
That's why it chooses to pop
Ha! But don't you give up find
As to it, no one plays blind!