Wednesday 7 September 2016

Was Alone..

I wouldn't want to mind,
Whatever they say or grind.

Got to play my game right,
For none will help me fight.

All the shit I went through,
I battled alone for what's true.

Was loaded with all ammunition,
Courageous to confront competition.

It wasn't easy but I conquered,
And the book of victory I scribbled.

Far and wide men did come,
To witness one who stood so firm.

Why come now when am crowned,
And you were deaf to the battle sound?

Now walk your way I walk mine,
It's me to choose with who to dine.

Now, for each let's not harm detect,
So if we meet at points award respect.

Thus, no time to plunge to disinfect,
Still, no problem if treated a suspect!

...was alone...

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