Thursday 9 November 2017

Tame to gain..

The face will tell you
Yes, that of a monster

You try go to approach it
As the key to chambers he has it

Your call to him tends to make him aloof
Of things that he knows and knows best

He wants you to tame him
Tame the anger then to his heart go

Yeah, for you are the human in need
And he is the inhuman to quench your need

You gotta tame it
An exercise you've got to do  

It's now taming world of might men
Where your submissiveness pays

Just tame him to gain
And by your gain you'll reign

As by this game
Password is tame
And your brand name
Will be fine and fame
Very odd with no same
Wiping records of shame
Or even a past blame..
Take time to tame for you to gain!

Thursday 17 August 2017

The Blue Sky..

The blue sky I say
Not the one witnessed at day

This is when all is clear
Divisions of courage and fear
When right ain't else but right
Where to all no deception by sight

It's like a clean clear sheet
That if you step, we see your feet
When you act
All tell the impact
You got to make the prints
Knowing men eyes you can't tint

Many may like you want to draw
As to them you're doing the plow
And if they are planted in your furrow
You and them will be in same barrow
Die aiming great heights
Working for it days and nights

The best will be on the blue sky
Your struggle wiping tears dry
So be strong, focus and move on
A new scene on your face will be born
Bidding the past bye
On the blue sky

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Fear of Tomorrow!

Today is where I stand,
Tomorrow ain't,
And yesterday is gone!

You are worried!
Of the day you don't have

"The only limit to our realization
of tomorrow
will be our doubts of today!"
(Franklin Roosevelt)

Yesterday, I'll use you
Yes, I experienced,
I learnt!

Today, I live, giving my best,
For tomorrow, my future,
Bright it may be!

"The Science of today
is the Technology of tomorrow!"
(Edward Teller)

One day at a time,
That's the way to live
And tomorrows worries wane!

Kill all fear around you
Stand tall,
And acquire a heroism heart!

"I am not afraid of tomorrow
For I have seen yesterday
And I love today!"
(William Allen White)

Tomorrow will take care of itself,
I heard!
It worked, It works..

Friday 16 June 2017


Ride on was the game,
With me towards fame,
All was tend to amaze,
And I wouldn't help to gaze!

My love to her so pure,
But to her, it can't cure,
Chasing for what I believed,
Looks, might have deceived!

Plans that took forever,
Exchanged by fake love fever,
I now let things roll their way,
For in heart I trust a day!

Okay, I know I do go heights,
When even we boarded the flight,
Beside me, you sat and relaxed,
I didn't put estimates or asked

Now my game is running loose,
And I promise to act a goose,
In this space my journey starts,
Google me before the globe bursts!

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Take it further..

Many things for you at hand
To me, I tie them with a strong band
I see them gather
As now I take it further

One step then another
Focusing at her
It just kicked on
And now deep we're gon'

Happy by all the moves
To each other we hoofed
 A stay so blessed
Of heart's so obsessed

Taking it further is it
For no else, you, can beat
You are one from them all
One with the different soul

The ring will now bind
Our heart's as they've found
I now believe as am sound
Only you in the world around

Taking it further in love
Taking it further!
Taking it further with you
Taking it further!

Friday 12 May 2017

One man down!

One man down
Not we are done
One man down
Still we stay sound
One man down
Not all overthrown

One man down
Our hearts still strong
One man down
Firm we stand
One man down
Doesn't kill the course

One man down
Determined all long
One man down
Focus is gained
One man down
The fight is on

One man down
Yet victory calls
One man down
One rises up
One man down
Life goes on...

Saturday 29 April 2017

The Eagle!

Further the height,
Clearer the sight!

It hunts its prey from above,
A super calculated move!

At the highest rock peak,
Flesh is tore by its beak!

Enjoying with the eaglets'
Lean meat from earth's outlets.

Its body structure so strong,
To flee away any throng!

When its set for the hunt,
The prey will give its last pant!

Minute it looks when soaring high,
Let it fly low, you will sigh!

Speed, she is super,
Only a camera can catch but not a trooper!

She is amazing,
Extremely dazzling!

The Eagle..

Wednesday 26 April 2017

One Strong Bond...


When hearts are one
Goals are one

When motives match
Opinions match

When patience calls
Tolerance calls

When we kill tribes
Having one tribe

When relationships venture
Of nations' adventure

Finally, it's me and you
Not them and you
Nor you and you


It all depends with

Let the little love you have at heart be felt by them, even, that know not you!
#we are that one love bond#

Thursday 6 April 2017

Sweet Holidays!

Laying down is all what to do
The daily do's switching to else
Mind, you better set for the difference
Time for self healing to take place.

Round and round the year rolls
Every soul busy with their toils
Here now comes a holiday
Why not make it to you one sweet holiday?

Get your friends and family
Get the ones that makes you happy
Then get a place so best to the eyes
And get to enjoy holidays' best

You know it is rare to get such times
Ha! You wouldn't like it when stories go forth
You miss you'd have but you didn't
Sorry, holidays are rare and sweet

Utilize this coming one my friend
Before pronounced passed and that's end
Wish you all the best in your plans
Make it a sweet holiday!

Miles of Smiles..

The moment will come
You, me witnessed by some

Some must be friends
You, me, more than friends

Like stage to stage a bus
The world did sieve us

From far, my way, you walked along
Now together, we have a song

Heavens entrusted me with you
Making my dream plain and true

Now every morn' we exchange smiles
Reflecting worth of the traded miles

Joy displays ever the open doors
Celebrating this on every dance floors

Inside my hearts' chamber you're based
A simple word to explain the lines; blessed

..been miles of smiles..

Monday 27 March 2017

The Rattler!

A little kindness is what is needed
Don't fake part of the kindred

They tread through fire
But additionally you poke with hot wire

You go behind them snooping
Petty issues inquiring

Witlessness of highest rank
To your latrine go to bank

Your wickedness you paint with good
Nibbling the good like food

When enough will be enough
In particles you'll be like dough

You don't need to
Counts of one, two

Precious souls in recall
To you when they befall

Your malediction pinned world
In it you'll be found and bound

Don't fake being an angel
You're worse than a snake

We know your game

You don't need to!

Friday 24 March 2017

In The Forest..

The air so fresh
Taking away all stress

In the thickest forest
With my novel I rest

Orison too, uninterrupted
Gearing not to be tempted

The wind talks to the trees
Distant buzzing heard of bees

Every creature practices grace
No matter the creature's race

Stillness there speaks peace
Join me there if you may, please

You got to see nature's chemistry
Its amazing scenes and mystery

Got to kick stress
Got to stay fresh

Now go for this simple deal
And see how nature does heal

In the forest..

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Let Her Go!

She is one of a kind
But to her you ain't kind
You promised to love
Your heart what it doesn't have
Just let her go!
When to her you build your world
You confessed, I've finally found
Now the foundation is fragmented
And the once sweet love fermented
Just let her go!

Another chance to you she did give
But your foolishness you can't sieve
She then decides to walk away
Stubborn you blocking her way
Just let her go!

You are never her happiness
You depressing her seeming endless
Let her tread to the footprints she'll adore
Where the inner chamber is an open door
Just let her go!

Someday, you'll watch her rise
Your life's shock and surprise
She deserves to be loved
Only dessert to be served
Just let her go!

..for the precious you deserve not..

Nature has her tight!

Saturday 25 February 2017

Dwindling Soul

You seem to have got it
But later escapes your hand
It's what the heart calls dear
But natures enigma takes it away
One act, another act and gone
Life taking a turn

You give your all
But the deal cut short
You run the race
But another wins
You rise with hopes
You set in despair
You toil zealously
For a zero reward
The dwindling soul

But now you say
That a morning will come
Gathering by faith
They say life is unfair
Though it has its course

Deeper you go searching
The outcome is void
Your mind settles at lost
Your face plight is post
It's when life means nothing
And the feeling you ain't something
Dreams done, visions vanished
And the whole of you despairs
The future doomed
The dwindling soul

it ain't the end

rise and walk

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Valentine's Message!

Seasons come seasons go,
But LOVE, will always blow!

Ever since our hearts decided,
Our love has never faded!

You shone bright at my door,
Thus, day in day out, you, I adore!

Your LOVE is more a drug,
But with it, let me get drugged!

With you I'll take the sweetest wine,
You, my precious gift this special valentine!

I thank heavens day and night,
First sight and I got it right!

A future rich in LOVE I covet,
A LOVE life with no regret!

Happy Valentine's Day that special someone..
..Love You..

Monday 6 February 2017

Fearless Walk..

Every morning has its blessings
While each day bears its challenges
No walk in life a simple walk
But in all have a fearless walk

Rise with a super orison
And towards victory do sojourn
No walk in life a simple walk
But in all have a fearless walk

Your dealings do with diligent
For God grants measured intellect
No walk in life a simple walk
But in all have a fearless walk

In all corners good and bad exist
It is for you to know what to resist
No walk in life a simple walk
But in all have a fearless walk

Take heart and fight for your dream
Watching your light never to dim
No walk in life a simple walk
But in all have a fearless walk

Not all wish one to be successful
For haters will brand you a fool
No walk in life a simple walk
But in all have a fearless walk

Your fans also weigh their trust
Crocodile tears to you they may burst
No walk in life a simple walk
But in all have a fearless walk

Be brave more than the serpent
Or else you'll be living in repent
No walk in life a simple walk
But in all have a fearless walk

Now, put your moves to test
But keep on track for the best
No walk in life a simple walk
But in all have a fearless walk

Wednesday 1 February 2017

You are the one!

You are the one
My eyes fell upon
And was blinded

Mine ears
Only your voice
To others, am deaf

Your touch
Tender and soft
Any other, it hurts

Your arms
Love and protection
Rest, insecure

Its where I want to be
With you

My world without you
Can't survive!

There is the love
From depths inside

You're the one!

Crossing Over..

There's what we call another level
And there is a reason why, another

It must have been one point to the other
Or, advancing in a certain progress

Then here I call it crossing over
From your hustles you grow your worth

Still from the same you can be of no value
This is where I ask, crossing over to?

May be success or pure fail!
Here is where you got to self plan

Life is like a game
And you gotta play right

Your best shot is what you can only give
For by so, you'll much receive

Make now a step and cross over
From a cage of confusion and distort

For a better future to all awaits
And promises fulfilled

go on, go!
Never look back,
You've crossed over!