Wednesday 8 March 2017

Let Her Go!

She is one of a kind
But to her you ain't kind
You promised to love
Your heart what it doesn't have
Just let her go!
When to her you build your world
You confessed, I've finally found
Now the foundation is fragmented
And the once sweet love fermented
Just let her go!

Another chance to you she did give
But your foolishness you can't sieve
She then decides to walk away
Stubborn you blocking her way
Just let her go!

You are never her happiness
You depressing her seeming endless
Let her tread to the footprints she'll adore
Where the inner chamber is an open door
Just let her go!

Someday, you'll watch her rise
Your life's shock and surprise
She deserves to be loved
Only dessert to be served
Just let her go!

..for the precious you deserve not..

Nature has her tight!

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