Friday 24 August 2018

The Lit World..

It did start like couldn't start
That's when ground was fertile at heart

I knew not the way to your heart
Even though you were very kind

My world was filled with gloom
Not long I heard the boom

In the four-wheeler, we met
Then we played till checkmate

The chem did begin diffusively
And I knew I had you ultimately

Day after day I applied the glue
The feeling was sweet and true

You lit my world by a matchstick
Now the furnace none can trick

You took control and the grip got firm
Just like your hug or when circumscribed by thine arm

Your feet matched mine on strides
And we drifted not even on strong tides

Angel, you are amazing
Your looks always dazzling

We meet but I call it a hookup
For we hook up never to wind up

My desire has changed not my love
Silver and gold I've none but you I have

If I have to stop let stop mean flow
For in my dark world you alone do glow

Not that am short of words I pause
Let me send first this piece as I click the mouse

Friday 17 August 2018

The Sunset Call..

The inner ear then goes to receive
A call that the intend did perceive

Broad is the smile as the eye captures
Where now the heart to the call raptures

The tongue performs a miracle to the tone
You'd have sensed it just from the ringtone

Composed you've never heard as he utters
Clearly and softly like the creep of a ratter

The verbal dispatch accompanied by emotions
Where mutually responds are like magnetic detection

The feel of the sunset is put in words no doubt
As they two plan a date, perhaps next night out

Imaginary love captions tend to be felt the other end
Attachment and trust crowned by love reciprocated this end

A smooth, fine ending with unpublished quotes finds way
There then the sunset call marks the history of the day...

Go make one to her
Go receive one from him

The Sunset Call.. 

Thursday 16 August 2018

The Dangerous Trip..

Careful in all your steps do watch
The path ain't smooth all through
Through the rough and soft you'll step
But careful be of the dangerous trip.

Mountains and valleys you've got to climb
All these they harden that tender heart
A lesson to learn in life that's not easy
But careful be of the dangerous trip.

Many of man tend run fast but they trip
Mercy, none is there to lend a hand
Seek ye advice before you do sojourn
For carefully you'll avoid the dangerous trip.

We all like to arrive safe, whole and sound
With every challenge of our encounters won
This only happens when calculations are right
Yes, when you evade that dangerous trip.

Again I'll shout your steps do watch
For a trip, you may fall and heal no more
One step at a time let it be your move
And you'll wave bye to the dangerous trip.

Not only the trip you know that trips
Of life trips am talking wherein we are prone
All the best and be disciplined mind and heart
Run will be parallel with the dangerous trip!