Friday 17 August 2018

The Sunset Call..

The inner ear then goes to receive
A call that the intend did perceive

Broad is the smile as the eye captures
Where now the heart to the call raptures

The tongue performs a miracle to the tone
You'd have sensed it just from the ringtone

Composed you've never heard as he utters
Clearly and softly like the creep of a ratter

The verbal dispatch accompanied by emotions
Where mutually responds are like magnetic detection

The feel of the sunset is put in words no doubt
As they two plan a date, perhaps next night out

Imaginary love captions tend to be felt the other end
Attachment and trust crowned by love reciprocated this end

A smooth, fine ending with unpublished quotes finds way
There then the sunset call marks the history of the day...

Go make one to her
Go receive one from him

The Sunset Call.. 

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