Thursday 20 September 2018

A Battle At The Mind!

You rise up with a lot of questions
Since life to you has poured obligations
Slowly you try to attend to your duties
But as you do so, more than they were arise
The mind is now challenged and put to a spot
There is where the battle does begin with no mercy
Pressure from all the sides keep you on your feet
No escape plan in this because you got to face it anyway
A squeeze to put you in line and your life to align
There is where you get to use your brains like never before
Different issues people do face 
Different solutions individuals do find
But all in all the battle is generally fought at the mind
It is the center of all transmission
Life has never been easy on your road to success
It takes a heart to take heart to hear people say, he's blessed
Rough the paths you have to find
Smooth is just a reminder that it was worth the rough
So, keep your mind set and always get ready for the worst
For the best will first come like a shadow before you see the object
Take your time to plan what runs over your mind
Analyse and evaluate in heights of standard
Seek advice from those who went there before
Step by step walk towards your goal

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