Wednesday 28 December 2016

Your Page!

Your page you have to write
Your life then to recite

Everyone is born with a purpose
Which manifests before life's pause

Good thing with life
You can change your drive

For you are the only captain
In the so called self domain

So, the direction you sail
Alone you suffer when you fail

But also if you brave the storm
The worst you'll have overcom'

All the best dear friends
As you write right on the page!

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Down Love's Island..

In depths they went in love
Where truest of it is served

Down, they walked together
Hands clutched to each other
Fingers letting one into another

In low tone they enunciated
Where only love was coughed

Jolly scene, said the eyes
Nothing there surely dies

You'd feel their bliss
And in the stillness
Smacking of lips, the kisses

They were engulfed
They felt loved
In the island of love

Hey, let's take a walk
Not me, tell him, tell her
down to love's island!

Monday 31 October 2016

Fountain of love

Your heart is the best of best
To me, it has stood all test

Smooths and rough, love spilled
And all bests, in chambers you sealed

Why do I say the fountain of love?
For there's nothing else you do have!
Only love spills from your fountain
Serving to many, love piles, as mountain

You are kind, sweet and loving
And in all your seasons, you're caring
We appreciate and pray you blessings
For we coat you with finest dressings

You ain't selfish with your deeds
Neither are you proud of your seeds
You do it with one heart for the society
Killing the societies anxiety

If more of you we'd born
Our goals we'd have won
While most challenges withdrawn
And finally witnessing a new dawn

...fountain of love...

Friday 28 October 2016


Take time to watch
Take time

Take time to learn
Take time

Don't rush to say
Take time

Don't rush to judge
Take time

In everything
Take time

And you'll come out right
When you take time


Saturday 22 October 2016

Blunt Battle-ax!

My heart can't be frozen

For your weird deeds a dozen

Was born to let go and be strong

Victory being my only song

Right left you shake my world

But my strength withstands your wild

I don't have to prove my aptitude

For I'll be fighting with attitude

Cool and kill your pride

Life that way, you can't ride

Focus on what will bring you happiness

Or forever you'll swim in sadness

Raise standard with a sharp battle-ax

Or your shit may be much even to tax

Away better leave from the danger zone

For you'll have to do your own dying alone

..blunt battle-ax..

Saturday 8 October 2016

Nail It Down..

States are full of corruption
Channel termed as the only option

Like a dire disease, suffers a nation
Taking through process of evolution

A man with proper realization
Will try turn society's action

So firm the core, its disposition
As brutes rejoice its incarceration

Then in the panel of examination
None dares accept the allegation

This leads to massive destruction
Being developments' greatest obstruction

I wish it had an inoculation
Where daily one gets a ration

Nailing it down is the perception
Where impact is felt in its diminution..

..Nail it down..

Monday 3 October 2016

New Beginning..

When you decide to go there
"twill be a place you'll not glare

Life's face is different
And happiness is evident

You are used to be tethered
Till you look all haggard

Take a step in a new world
Where freedom has no gild

A new beginning go to seek
Trouble, your way will never eek

Everything there proves better
Ecstasy being the fetter...

...seeking a new beginning...

Monday 19 September 2016

The Week.

Seven days you were packed
That's the length you'd be tacked

For you, we plan in advance
Like how we do in finance

What to do notes we fill you
Diaries speaking of you too

You accommodate our duties
In your seven pieces

And if not this week
And never did last week
Then, next week!

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Missed You..

Feels like you sunk deep in a hole
When mem'ry shares, 'you are my whole'

Now here we are split by circumstances
As we've been up down hunting chances

You are my daylight star, the sun
Happy when your rays on my skin burn

Your face to me glows than the moon
And can't be with you later but soon

You make my dull day so bright
And my blind spots you've been my sight

I can't wait, when come, the embrace so tight
Where there, I freely feel, all alright

Sprint your way towards me, am waiting
Can't help it thinking of you as am writing

My arms for you are opened so wide
That is my world, by your side!

..missed you..

Aged Bitch!

Age you've gathered but mind is tampered,
Buying a set of tyres to an unroadworthy auto!
You've never learnt from your encounter,
Like an old dog, new tricks can't be taught!

Concepts from you, none can extract,
For, of high magnitude, you're extremely corrupt!
Good and shoddy, your humor imbalances,
And the witless part of you, you stash not!

Your odious life, to you, it is lifestyle,
Nature letting you sway therein mercilessly!
Your sanity is full of perplexity,
Only your creator can adjust your gray matter!

Your age shouldn't be associated with fly-by-night,
Even so, no injection can cure your feral oddity!
You've always acted immune to facts so true,
But when your fate pops, none will brave it for you!

Many eyes are on the look you mongrel,
Get your pieces gathered before you're shattered!
You better learn this before you sink,
We are human, and extremes, you'll not vamoose!

...aged bitch!..

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Was Alone..

I wouldn't want to mind,
Whatever they say or grind.

Got to play my game right,
For none will help me fight.

All the shit I went through,
I battled alone for what's true.

Was loaded with all ammunition,
Courageous to confront competition.

It wasn't easy but I conquered,
And the book of victory I scribbled.

Far and wide men did come,
To witness one who stood so firm.

Why come now when am crowned,
And you were deaf to the battle sound?

Now walk your way I walk mine,
It's me to choose with who to dine.

Now, for each let's not harm detect,
So if we meet at points award respect.

Thus, no time to plunge to disinfect,
Still, no problem if treated a suspect!

...was alone...

Monday 5 September 2016

Useful but Untamable!

We search till we go wild
For to us is a treasure we gild
All directions we go to hunt
With tools so sharp and blunt.

Degrees of intellect take lead
Less intellects to go plead
But at the close of the day
Hunters enjoy a quota pay.

It's solely the medium of exchange
And you cannot self change
The more you get the more you need
The less you have, still, more you need!

It is one of ones you can't content
For you can't tame, buy or rent
You got to keep it moving around
Since its used to bob and bound.

This game, soon, will not stop!
That's why it chooses to pop
Ha! But don't you give up find
As to it, no one plays blind!

Wednesday 31 August 2016

The Target..

You start like you ain't
You proceed like just norm

You go against 'you can't'
You don't mind pace of worm

You say, 'got to reach there'
You don't mind how wide

You let go all world's care
You surf through all tide

You are the heart we need
You are the best example

You reach the target with speed
You make all ask your sample

You analyze your environs with ease
You perform with no regret

You work for all mess to cease
You say it's hitting life's target..

You kill all barrier
You never get a good bone

You are the warrior
You stand tall alone

the target

Thursday 11 August 2016

Whispering love..

Time to say and not to pretend
For this is always I have intend

You to see, have and more to hold
Whispering secrets of worlds' untold

Writing is only for this day today
But the saccharine deeds, everyday

Future, our best, though 'tis mystery
Yesterday sails fade, great memory

Ocean of love to you I now flaunt
Free of condemn that will be taunt

You are the world that I am host
Mine, you are and can't help boast

Now you that I have I firmly protect
My mind and heart declining predict

Since I get to know the only defense
Minding of pessimist where too I fence

Loving you is of the purest intense
For I cherish you with abundance

And if you could take me be done
I will surrender in reckless abandon!

..whispering love..

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Fast to First!

Try reach there first
I mean be fast

No time to delay
It's like relay

A minute when lost
None again will host

Fast to first
And first from fast

Go for the trophy
Worth the fee

Get set, aim great..

Saturday 16 July 2016

Keep it real..

There's no time to act
So that to attract

There's no time for drama
For tongues that stammer

Time to keep it real
Like just a deal

Don't fake personality
It's far from your identity

Simply be yourself
And mess you'll shelf

Time is no later but now
To perverse don't bow

In all be brave
Master of your cave

So, whenever wherever
Brave the weather

Keep It Real...

Monday 27 June 2016

Ride On..

You started on highs with aims to reach
Why now pull back before the intended
Just remember what made you get set to go
And see if it relates pulling back mid way

I know it ain't easy to go lengths
But what we do if not ride on profits?
Go ye forth and fight with no retreat
Bests are achieved in so, heart giving

You are strong anytime your idea rings
Utilize it for the challenges that cir-cum
Then get back to your boat and pedal
This time is to ride on till the end!

You ask me and I'll just say, 'ride on'
Don't rethink on already planned
But work on the plan
Yeah, ride on..

Ride on..

Saturday 25 June 2016

Tell Her..

Been having this feeling
Of your heart beep beeping

Keeping your eyes tuned
Where thoughts get ruined

A step you want to take
Before any man to make

But seems your maths' tight
Hope you calculate it right

For sure if you do love
One morning, her you'll have

Don't miss the steps of find
Focus, to her don't be blind

If destiny chose you together
With her, 'twill be forever...

Saturday 11 June 2016

Not Afraid..

Don't be afraid

Take that step
Walk determined
Towards the goal
With hopes of victory

You will witness
And testify
Fear deters success

Go for it
What seems wild
Tie it to tame
And be relieved

A colossal monster
Get the audacity
To reach heights

The past pass
Present enclasp
And of the future,
Its best covet

Don't be afraid!..

Friday 10 June 2016

Teens in Teen..

Like a season
It will come and go
Not you but all do pass

The old and older watch
But more they advice

Them brave teen seek
For many do falter
Not knowing its rule

Stuffs they do encounter
An eon of intense challenge

From a peer cluster
Influence gets root
And, character espoused

What to do then
If not what not to do

Be the chaperone
Step by step lead
As they ingrain

Being patterned
Glittering lifelong..

Happy Times..

Happy are the times
When the family gets together
An outing to refresh
Mind, soul, body to heal

Take some time
'Tis worth experiencing
No waste at it
It's love so rich

Try any for joy
Where family enjoys
Make hearts merry
Hence, life happy

The family umbrella..

Wednesday 8 June 2016

From A Junior

Simple are their ways
Easy living each day
They feel the love
The greatest they have
They feel protected
Not that they expected

Live so naturally
No strain, so freely
That's the best to live
They'd wish be young
Yes, young when old
Angels at that epoch
But just an era to fly

They are trained
Of a way in a highway
To grow focused
In faith
Social and more
With daddy, with mommy
Their great defenders
That's what makes them grow
To be responsible men

From a junior.. 

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Invent, Upgrade, Utilize...

Round like a circle
Life is a cycle
A generation to another
Information matched when gathered

Then what's new around you?
That history can't prove true?
Nothing new

And for the few, we make anew!
Upgrading is it now
To match the standard

Carts, Chariots to Automobiles
Planes and Jet to Spaceships
Higher steps in industrial world

When can't invent, upgrade

Resources and sources, we are rich
Ideas and visions we too have
One needs to go work something
Prove better to the universe
That though invented can be upgraded

So your ideas and plans go build another

One to invent
One to upgrade
One to utilize

Monday 23 May 2016

We Are One...

Two are the ears but no interval hearing
Two are the nostrils but no interval breathing
Two are the eyes but no interval viewing
Two are the limbs but in motion, they harmonize
Two are the hands and together they'll be working

Yes, that's being one

Now when we come to humans
Near and far we form a nation
But unity we lack in seeking solutions
If only we'd understand we are one
The greatest' wealth we'd have earn
And life's problems would be burn

Join hands, your brother your sister
They are the visible nearest stars
Victory is achieved by unity
Where togetherness promotes liberty
Reach far and wide the information
Preaching that we are one...

Friday 20 May 2016

Untold Stories..

My page of a sky
My story there to write

My thoughts do fly
My sky my site

We have lots to share
We have few to keep

We speak with care
We to them things do creep

I choose who to tell
I know with who 'tis safe

I am afraid of one to sell
I doubt as they stride to cafe

So careful to be handled
So the are, untold stories

So these need to be candled
So the sky to read good histories

The untold stories..

The Empty Class

She walked in with books
Dressed fine and had good looks
But the class was full of crooks
Who like drifts swayed by brooks

For the lesson, the had ran out
Reason, what is it all about!?
The subject induced sleep throughout
Students accustomed by tutors' shout

The power of knowledge declined
I guess another tutor, in, was signed
Students like ants aligned
And once more the class confined..

Monday 16 May 2016

The Gift..

It wasn't like any other
But, unique and rich
Not bought from gift shops
It ain't available there

This is your heart

Your deeds to one and self
The best of you will live
The weird show will die
The best in you is the gift
And precious mem'ry engraved

Life holds lots; good and bad
'Tis you to plant
'Tis you to harvest
Go out and be of value
A precious gift to the nation

And in time and end of time
The gift will stand..

Be the gift..

A Hope..

Perplexed you're found
Where no ends nay meet

Your face cast on ground
To trace heaven's street

Trouble echoing everywhere
With no city of refuge

This torments heart with scare
A mountain to conq'r so huge

Today tomorrow no hope
Though along roads don't faint

Life you'll climb and slope
And memories will be old paint

A hope comes eventually
Fruitfully your patience pays

Nothing sails to us automatically
But a reward awaits a day or days

A hope that gave hope...

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Rise and go...

Don't just sit there

Rise and go

A new day, a new life

You've got to find

Pray for strength

Ideas will come

Then take the step

A step of courage

Don't look behind

Failures to attract

Let the past go

And future behold

So, rise and go

The potential's in you..

You can make it!

Friday 15 April 2016


That is how they are

I guess nature made them so

East to far West their culture talks

Never drifted by modernization

They stand to embrace culture

An exclusive community in a Nation

Yes, and they are proud being so

What are you proud of?

What is it that you’ll never abandon?

Not necessarily from your culture!

May be a self-decision way to live

May be a conviction from belief

More, also, are many things to follow!

The question is so simple, see..

What makes you different?

Wednesday 6 April 2016


I call it peace
The reign of silence

When you can listen to self
Scanning your heart's shelf

There, amendments are made
All dirt to the alien are trade

Flawless to close of perfection

Clear the mind is and so free
From heart, a peaceful decree

That is just part of its essence
Just let it then see the sense

Of heart and more of mind
Worth when it you do find

You'll call it peace

Wednesday 30 March 2016

The Outcome..

Of things that you've been trying
Rather things that you've been doing
Your expectations tend to be high
That every successful step you sigh

You're working out something new
Of men that they know it are few
Your intellect is assuring you of best
As every sample you try do the test

The final product is then your outcome
You brand with a label when done
It is what you have been searching for
Where its worth was good running for

Many things of their outcome you'd want to find
Let nothing stop you neither chains to you bind
Perhaps, a lifetime solution
In a happy destination..

The Outcome!

Wednesday 23 March 2016

She wants to come back..

Blind was her love when she sunk
She had herself in it fully dunk
Taking control as if swimming alone
Like air, it disappeared and gone

Actions explained everything
Everyone seeing her thinking
Left, she was of her deeds
Perhaps attending to self creeds

The steering was not her's
Where else, every other has
You thought you owned the world
Sorry, near you he'll never be around

He moved on and you did watch
Yes, he healed and has a new touch
Then, she wants to come back?
Oh no! Tell her, her shit to tack!

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Let's agree..

I want to go East
You want the West
Fact, East is from West
Fact, West is from East

We have lots of differences
That changes not our circumferences
Draw your lines with caution
Taking every precaution

When you lay a stone
Many times you are not alone
A tower is built by those in union
Still disintegrated by power of confusion

Let's agree, you here and me there
Attending all steps with lots of care
Take time to learn your environment
And with men get into agreement

Venture more as in heights you rise
And someday you'll face a new sunrise

Saturday 19 March 2016

No Idling..

Simple but louder to drive you away
How did you there then do sway?

Mostly spotted in busy businesses
Where idlers fall not  in lists cases
You know what you went there for
With a purpose in your group of four

Get the right place for your business
Hence play brightness or laziness

Those words help you be creative
Yes, making you even innovative
That's how to interpret the term
Unveiling the words' scum

No Idling!

Saturday 12 March 2016


From the multitude you were chosen
With time, unveiled as were you hidden
All eyes do praise your natural physique
Going to testify how you are very unique

Leave that alone now

Just a way of defining beautiful
That's natural, not from beauty school
Almighty's creation
Seeing his provision

Now see this...

Did you know that anything attracts something?
Sure, one thing is another things' purpose
For real, yes, indeed a great purpose

To your sight it may not please
But to another, please so apace

Nature is beautiful
Thus you are party
Let your joy be full
Witnessing the lovely..

The Walk..

Alone if you walk
Destiny is never certain

Alone if you talk
Decisions stand challenged

Alone if you do
Foundation may be weak

You need a hand

Never walk alone
As much as you trust yourself

Not only a guide you need
But also one to sojourn with

Hence destiny is sure..

Friday 26 February 2016


Far I don't like it when you go
Leaves me cold as by the wind am blown

Every time my phone rings
Of you memories fill sweet things

All around my world you paint love
That nothing else I'd ever have

Just need you nearer than near
For you drive away lone and fear

Your presence keeps me warm
Safe, held by your strong arm

Distance, am hunting you mercilessly
To cage you forever and eternally

For what I like and love please be near
You are the treasure I value so dear

But if you have to go, open your heart
Then me in there and it wouldn't hurt

Since around you, I belong...

Friday 19 February 2016


So much was he treasured
But it ended at the grave
He was honorably buried
Last respects they gave

'Is all lost?', friends did ask
He was unique, one of a kind
Covering all like the husk
Preaching unity, all to bind

Would you really say lost?
No, actually, he ran his race
His mission at hearts he post
And he settled down his case

Nothing is lost
Just a space of time
And heavens will host
Those stood by the line

We know not what morrow brings
But faith and hope in us holds
Promising inside like wed rings
Keeping us firm in respective folds is never lost...

Thursday 18 February 2016

Extra Mile

Nothing you'll ever do that will satisfy
No matter the formula you do apply
Extra mile you'd want to scamper
In attainment yourself to pamper

Watch keen as your steps you stride
And don't you be drifted by life's tide
Your natural wisdom will count
Exploit it like the only fount

Men will always vie for the extra mile
Since their stores they want to pile
Slumber not when you are full of ability
At ease, show power of your integrity

It is chasing for the extra mile
Where gratification adds not all while
That the need of mining may increase
And acts of laziness in depths decrease

Your effort will always be blessed
Victory glowing from what you faced
Fear not to go for the extra mile
When the fundamental you want to file..