Tuesday 20 November 2018

After The Phone Call....

Thank you so much for your call
It makes me feel that am tall

Yes, it might have been a while
But the call did shorten the mile

I think of you a precious friend
One who marks not my end

I appreciate your being in my life
Perfect, like a fist, a bunch of five

My world around you is certain
Where loving you I can’t refrain

I thank God for you all way
May He bless and keep you I pray

Wednesday 31 October 2018

End Month..

Your name defines you,
For real you end many things,
But what we like the most,
You usher us into something new,
Many times by your end we smile,
With different reasons from hearts confessed,
You carry a lot from your beginning,
And if stressed your end we sigh,
The relief is the most awesome feeling,
Being ushered into a new month by faith,
Not forgetting of lessons you taught,
A next month in you am wise!

Friday 21 September 2018

Do You Still Love Me..

The road was smooth and clear
Not even a misty sign of fear
As usual, East the sun did rise
And by so, none would get the surprise
The Queen was of the King
The Queen's was the King
By that the kingdom was sealed
And all they needed with them filled

The seemed strong walls started cracking
From talking ,control shift, barking
The diadem had lost meaning
The love ship sinking
One had spied something different
Whereby rules term this indecent
The focus had shifted
The balance drifted

The term 'we used to' did knock
Now driving to hit a hard rock
Honey in the moon had been licked dry
Now nothing more is witnessed than one's cry
Sweet has changed taste and now its bitter
The warmth is more like a killer heater
The walk, the talk is in a lost direction
Everything submerged in deep perplexion

There then one brings it to the other,
Do you still love me? 

Thursday 20 September 2018

A Battle At The Mind!

You rise up with a lot of questions
Since life to you has poured obligations
Slowly you try to attend to your duties
But as you do so, more than they were arise
The mind is now challenged and put to a spot
There is where the battle does begin with no mercy
Pressure from all the sides keep you on your feet
No escape plan in this because you got to face it anyway
A squeeze to put you in line and your life to align
There is where you get to use your brains like never before
Different issues people do face 
Different solutions individuals do find
But all in all the battle is generally fought at the mind
It is the center of all transmission
Life has never been easy on your road to success
It takes a heart to take heart to hear people say, he's blessed
Rough the paths you have to find
Smooth is just a reminder that it was worth the rough
So, keep your mind set and always get ready for the worst
For the best will first come like a shadow before you see the object
Take your time to plan what runs over your mind
Analyse and evaluate in heights of standard
Seek advice from those who went there before
Step by step walk towards your goal

Saturday 8 September 2018

Best Seasons..

The best of the season is this
Where memories are so loud
Time again it comes with celebrations
Where the day you enjoy every tick of the clock
From far you trace your smooth and rough paths
And where you stand you just sigh relief
Challenges that now are gone did shape you
Challenges that are to come, your courage is ready to attack
Thus a season comes to remind you the life's steps
Then here now you gauge how deep and wide your handiworks
When a new season begins, new things are set
You grow old, you grow wise, equipped with knowledge
For an experience of the past none would like to face
And when you meet this new season, just say...
'Hello my best season!'

Friday 24 August 2018

The Lit World..

It did start like couldn't start
That's when ground was fertile at heart

I knew not the way to your heart
Even though you were very kind

My world was filled with gloom
Not long I heard the boom

In the four-wheeler, we met
Then we played till checkmate

The chem did begin diffusively
And I knew I had you ultimately

Day after day I applied the glue
The feeling was sweet and true

You lit my world by a matchstick
Now the furnace none can trick

You took control and the grip got firm
Just like your hug or when circumscribed by thine arm

Your feet matched mine on strides
And we drifted not even on strong tides

Angel, you are amazing
Your looks always dazzling

We meet but I call it a hookup
For we hook up never to wind up

My desire has changed not my love
Silver and gold I've none but you I have

If I have to stop let stop mean flow
For in my dark world you alone do glow

Not that am short of words I pause
Let me send first this piece as I click the mouse

Friday 17 August 2018

The Sunset Call..

The inner ear then goes to receive
A call that the intend did perceive

Broad is the smile as the eye captures
Where now the heart to the call raptures

The tongue performs a miracle to the tone
You'd have sensed it just from the ringtone

Composed you've never heard as he utters
Clearly and softly like the creep of a ratter

The verbal dispatch accompanied by emotions
Where mutually responds are like magnetic detection

The feel of the sunset is put in words no doubt
As they two plan a date, perhaps next night out

Imaginary love captions tend to be felt the other end
Attachment and trust crowned by love reciprocated this end

A smooth, fine ending with unpublished quotes finds way
There then the sunset call marks the history of the day...

Go make one to her
Go receive one from him

The Sunset Call.. 

Thursday 16 August 2018

The Dangerous Trip..

Careful in all your steps do watch
The path ain't smooth all through
Through the rough and soft you'll step
But careful be of the dangerous trip.

Mountains and valleys you've got to climb
All these they harden that tender heart
A lesson to learn in life that's not easy
But careful be of the dangerous trip.

Many of man tend run fast but they trip
Mercy, none is there to lend a hand
Seek ye advice before you do sojourn
For carefully you'll avoid the dangerous trip.

We all like to arrive safe, whole and sound
With every challenge of our encounters won
This only happens when calculations are right
Yes, when you evade that dangerous trip.

Again I'll shout your steps do watch
For a trip, you may fall and heal no more
One step at a time let it be your move
And you'll wave bye to the dangerous trip.

Not only the trip you know that trips
Of life trips am talking wherein we are prone
All the best and be disciplined mind and heart
Run will be parallel with the dangerous trip!

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Queen Of My Heart!

From the other worlds you came
A gap to fill my hearts, fame

Heaven had no choice but to send
Only you and me could do blend

My planet did notice your visit
To a kingdom where you had a seat

They saw you as an alien
But to someone, an amen

You confidently walked 
You reasonably talked

My hand held the tiara for you
Symbol for my heart's desire for you

You knew who you are, a queen
The royalty nature now into being

What else can you be to me?

You are the queen of mine heart!

Wednesday 4 July 2018

The Evening Tea..

When will the evening come
When will the cup come

Sweet is the tea by the time
When its scent the breeze sends to me

Chilly the day tends to be
My eyes now that cup I want to see

Send it my way with no delay
The debt of cold my body to repay

Active I am when warm
Just like a switch when on

Don't you hesitate when it's time
You may make your drinks be hot lime

Keep fit keep healthy in seasons
And cold will keep away even with reasons

When the cup comes!

Friday 22 June 2018


It just blows,
It comes cold!

Sometimes it drizzles,
Sometimes it rains!

We got no control,
Just letting it go!

By a whirl it goes,
Tones it carries!

Moist it is,
Droplets you'll feel!

Creatures get cold,
Mostly warm blooded!

They call it Winter,
When tones cover the body!

We light flames,
We play games!

The season is chilly,
It's fight ain't easy!

We are all in search,
Warmth to perch!

Young and old to flee cold,
Winter has knocked I'm told

Two words I now end,
'Keep Warm!'

Friday 18 May 2018

He Left!

He and She were playing one
When I happened be their fan
He introduced She to Me
And of course Me to She

They looked nice, young and lovely
And quashed the term lonely
A world they had built of their own
But its key they hadn't thrown

For some time they played cool
Till a time one played to fool
I tried to guide but proved could slip
Dismayed I was left at the window to peep

I watched as He walked in and out
Unfortunately to him I couldn't shout
Their world lost the original taste
Termed by her, going to waste

He was proud and loud
She was tender and gentle
It could no longer match
Which was hid from the start

Now the cistern was broken
The fresh meal got rotten
She tried pick the pieces
But he scattered the pieces

Poor friend had to let go
In pain her feeble heart she had to tow
The heartbreak
Turned one to a wretch

From the window I ran to the door
Go give taste what went sour
She spewed her all to my conscience
I filtered then reciprocated to her sense

He had gone just like a stray animal
Not knowing it's a start through the turmoil
She promised me to stand tall and strong
As melodies of victory was her heart's song

Now I can introduce She to You
And of course You to She
Don't leave!

Wednesday 18 April 2018

The Right Time Friend!

He popped at the right time,
When I had spent the last dime!

Have you ever experienced this?
When all things just go amiss?
It happens, yes, it does happen,
When that hole of mess deepen,
And lend a hand there's none,
Just you! You alone!

You realize you can't help it,
And not that you ain't fit,
Everything now needs your attention,
And you, sunk in decision,
Fixing things right
A day turned night!

In the midst of your grief,
An Angel whispers a sign of relief,
The Right Time Friend,
To put your distress to an end,
Restore your joy back,
The mess to tuck.

Your faith increases,
A heart that was in pieces,
Your anchor now holds firm,
As nothing can try harm,
To heavens you sent some words,
Your prayer got answered.

The Right Time Friend,
That is His trend.

He popped at the right time!

Thursday 5 April 2018


We walk, we talk

We share, we pair

We laugh, through tough

We are strong, all way long

We have faith, to the eighth

We smile, to the last mile

We cheer, with no fear

We are powerful, not awful

We are decent, with no intent

We like nature, it shapes our stature

We are neat, that's why we are lit

We do pray, we bless the day

We like friends, watch our trends

We fight battles, we get titles

We are brave, can't be a slave

We are known, yes, renown

We top tests, we work best

We are zealous, we are genius

We are.....

We are.....

Thursday 22 February 2018

Wheels Of Love

When love takes control
By its direction all shall roll
This is one invisible force
Only the creator did source

Men and women swim in it
While others fear drown in it
Taste differs with parties
But a tie to ties weakens a party

Once you put your wheel in motion
Make it your heart's best option
Let it grip the road for all rides
And you're sure of all life's tides

Don't let your love tank run dry
As it's sad to witness one cry
Positive measures always take
Crowning others' victory with a cake

It will be hard by this to go wrong
When wheels of love play sweet songs

Saturday 10 February 2018

Me and You..

Like my shadow I pray you be
Where I end you take a start

For I need what is real
To my self and my world

When I say me and you
That's only the circle I want

If one must be east the other west
Then, their points of divergent we stand

No race one will make without the other
For a team so strong we were destined

Our focus is one, our aim is one, goal is one
Where victory is claimed and we hardly lose

Me and you, just like pairs
Co-ordination our game

The powered engine is love
And our destiny is eternity

The best in life we grandly achieve
As my palm dovetails your palm

me and you