Wednesday 29 July 2020

Another Year And Am Grateful...

Granted another stretch in year,
And I embrace it with no fear,
To God I am so so so grateful,
Life's blessings in bountiful.

I have sojourn roughs and smooths,
But ended not in mouth of wolves,
Day at a time is my trust on high,
Escaping wrath and living in sigh.

Eliel, Ethan and Shobel my love,
You are the wealth that I have,
By the miles we've afford smiles,
Need prove? Check out profiles!

Family and friends you are treasured,
Without you I'd have surrendered,
Every step with you individually I covet,
For it has not been luxury on a velvet!

It is another year and I am grateful.

With you, I once again celebrate!

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