Tuesday 28 July 2020

Feeling Connected

With her I just need to smile and the message is home
There is nothing like loneliness, she killed the lone

I can't comprehend such a privilege that has befall me
I am feeling so much connected in loves eternal spree

Our energies talk for us and about us and it builds us
Forever I pray to be on board this great amazing bus

Easy to express as she captures before the sloth tongue
You can't imagine the smooth flow of the dialogue!

How do you ignore a heart to heart deep connection?
When in your within she is the sole selection!

Feeling connected is the feeling..
That gives your wholesome healing!

Peace is what does prevail
And no storms in your sail

There's more to the connection
Than just affection

You can't have enough words to talk about it
It is one of the strongest life's unit

Feeling Connected!

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