Wednesday 4 November 2020

Happy Born Day..

 🌹Happy Blessed Birthday 🌹

How would I just rise and fail to see

When your greatness is like the sea

Pals of heart to heart we became

Strength of the bond we can't blame

I project my love and warm message

As you  enrich with wisdom by age

Digest of this, word by word 

A genuine  friend is at guard

I pray God to bless your ways

To shine bright in life's days..

Nothing sweet like living at heart

Such a day puts a friend on alert

Your sweet aura is felt far and wide

And to you my words I softly glide

I choose to distract with a message 

And remind you and me of sweet age

Wisdom you shall gather as time roll

Gracefully enriching your life's goal

I submit my love to your space

Wishing you blessings, God's pace

God bless and keep you 

Happy birthday 😊


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