Wednesday 4 November 2020

Stopped Mission..

The hour had just come

Men hungry and ready to dine

I was amongst them 

The plates would hear our fame

I was behind the wheels when instructed 

The Four-wheeler to Panafric I directed

Received by the hostess both handed 

Then ushered to big tables and we surrounded

Fighting pangs of hunger was my objective 

So to my plate I gave a super collective

Meal was served and I surrendered to it

Load on spoon, fulcrum my wrist, pivot my arm to eat

It looked like a  race

You'd judge by the pace

Suddenly, the master stopped the mission

When I was halfway to completion

It was done and the taste hanged 

We left, my eyes to the table it checked 

Tummy failed to understand the emergency

Even so being not one of the tendency

I had to go for a later treat

These bodies needs to be fit...

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