Wednesday 18 November 2020

Cast The Past With No Replay...

You wake up in the morn'
With a heart that feels torn,
Helpless about your situation
And your eyes dimmed of vision,
However you rise to face the day
Hoping heavens will share a way,
Change of the norm is your desire
And time is beckoning for retire,
Just a room for a post you pray
And cast the past without replay.

The society to you is watching
Their only hope in sea drifting,
Life is playing cruel left and right
While at sight everything is tight,
Cash at hand can't meet the need
The land also being barren of seed,
Everything you adjust to balance
Hoping hope will show at a glance,
When just a room for a post you pray
Then cast the past with no replay

The streets know you well than you do
And none matches your story to say, me too
Feel of being heavenly forgotten rolls
Then you slumber harvesting from strolls
Hand to mouth you've longed to quit
Your equals in posts, with them you are spit
No where to run, the harsh you must face
And responsibilities none to act in your place
Only room for a post you pray
And cast past without replay

Through the turmoil is seen longsuffering
Aiming the target without despairing
Courage then petitions your case
Goes ahead your room to trace
The dawning is now graced by the sun
Then peace you richly start to earn
A witness you stand tall to the society
That by grace you'll testify about liberty
When room opens for the post you pray
And the past is cast with no replay...

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Victory Finds None To Accuse..

I worry not of a heart that's strong,

For faith should be the theme all along,

The roads have proved to be so rough,

But who promised that it wouldn't be tough?

The pace of life is always already set,

And we just join and get captured in its net,

We adjust and readjust so in it to fit,

But sometimes it gives us a hard treat!

Strength is all we need from our within,

If life's journey we have to win,

Despairing is a word we shouldn't use,

For victory finds none to accuse!

To You I Propose...

My girl you are as good as fine

That's why to you I sublime

I don't think it's early to ask

My patience can't last till dusk

Am a man of few straight words

So if far, shorten the yards 

Come close I share what's burning 

Then make mind without running 

I need your heart to feel and pamper

I promise your whole not to tamper

From many around the globe you stand

And your nature no tycoon can fund

To you I can only promise love

For its only what I bulky have

I'll shower you its pureness

And massage on you endless

My heart now awaits the ruling 

My body spirit and soul anticipating 

In orison for lack to fall

Then the chapter we stall..

Let the night go...

 The morning star slid away 

Evening stars came on way

This is natures transition 

Happening with no restriction

Am out in the cold to have a look

Dense clouds attracted for the brook

The breeze is with a dump feel

Softly my skin for it to drill

If I'd wish and just be true 

I guess you already have a clue

Right where you are is an oven

Sweet love that's tightly woven

The warmth is immense to handle 

A package more a bundle

It's where I  want to be

In my world of wannabe

I see a star

Tho' high so far

Am a coming for you love

What else would I have?

With this your mind I blow

Gracefully let the night go..

Stopped Mission..

The hour had just come

Men hungry and ready to dine

I was amongst them 

The plates would hear our fame

I was behind the wheels when instructed 

The Four-wheeler to Panafric I directed

Received by the hostess both handed 

Then ushered to big tables and we surrounded

Fighting pangs of hunger was my objective 

So to my plate I gave a super collective

Meal was served and I surrendered to it

Load on spoon, fulcrum my wrist, pivot my arm to eat

It looked like a  race

You'd judge by the pace

Suddenly, the master stopped the mission

When I was halfway to completion

It was done and the taste hanged 

We left, my eyes to the table it checked 

Tummy failed to understand the emergency

Even so being not one of the tendency

I had to go for a later treat

These bodies needs to be fit...

To your heart I plant the seed..

 I didn't silence you

Under the sky so blue

Remember the shared love

Did it fly like a dove?

It was becoming sweet 

To the world I'd tweet

Your charm to me encroached

And I was lovely poached

Another taste did you get?

Perhaps I'm wrong, a locked gate

Am here a small circle to drift

Amn't ready for a flight so swift 

To you I change my voice to woo

Like a pigeon or dove how they coo

This time I'll make it blazy 

I don't care if you run crazy

Smitten by love is the sense

Till confused by the border fence

Let me break off the flow

But to your heart the seed I plow


 Tonight I say no night without you

Knowing how we are stuck by love's  glue

On my dark side you shine so bright

And this holds me to you so tight

Today's sunrise reminded of you sunshine

And the sunsets beauty proves aged wine

I softly glide your way to say you are missed

In my dream I'll rise and say I was kissed

Happy Born Day..

 🌹Happy Blessed Birthday 🌹

How would I just rise and fail to see

When your greatness is like the sea

Pals of heart to heart we became

Strength of the bond we can't blame

I project my love and warm message

As you  enrich with wisdom by age

Digest of this, word by word 

A genuine  friend is at guard

I pray God to bless your ways

To shine bright in life's days..

Nothing sweet like living at heart

Such a day puts a friend on alert

Your sweet aura is felt far and wide

And to you my words I softly glide

I choose to distract with a message 

And remind you and me of sweet age

Wisdom you shall gather as time roll

Gracefully enriching your life's goal

I submit my love to your space

Wishing you blessings, God's pace

God bless and keep you 

Happy birthday 😊


Where Are You Sunrise..

I would come to you by night

I wouldn't care of my flight

Just to feel your warmth

For you are what's worth

To hold and to talk 

Share and deep soak

Am in the feel of loneliness 

For you freely fill happiness 

I hope I'll survive the pain

The feeling of being plain

Oh sunrise would you fast come

And let her restore my fun

I need her both day and night 

It's what  makes me alright

Where are you sunrise tonight

You to lead me by your light..

Thursday 20 August 2020

Miss you close...

Do I care about the season
No, for me I see no reason

She's sweet and that's it
I can't change even on my skit

I'm always to her befriending
Coz to my heart she's trending

I don't need spew I miss you
You know I do and it's true

Chained by a world of being busy
I'll kill the norm and give a date so easy

I hardly fall in traps and be in mess
For this, if we two, you win, chess

The words say how I miss you close
And since I've emptied, I close


Wednesday 29 July 2020

Another Year And Am Grateful...

Granted another stretch in year,
And I embrace it with no fear,
To God I am so so so grateful,
Life's blessings in bountiful.

I have sojourn roughs and smooths,
But ended not in mouth of wolves,
Day at a time is my trust on high,
Escaping wrath and living in sigh.

Eliel, Ethan and Shobel my love,
You are the wealth that I have,
By the miles we've afford smiles,
Need prove? Check out profiles!

Family and friends you are treasured,
Without you I'd have surrendered,
Every step with you individually I covet,
For it has not been luxury on a velvet!

It is another year and I am grateful.

With you, I once again celebrate!

Tuesday 28 July 2020

Feeling Connected

With her I just need to smile and the message is home
There is nothing like loneliness, she killed the lone

I can't comprehend such a privilege that has befall me
I am feeling so much connected in loves eternal spree

Our energies talk for us and about us and it builds us
Forever I pray to be on board this great amazing bus

Easy to express as she captures before the sloth tongue
You can't imagine the smooth flow of the dialogue!

How do you ignore a heart to heart deep connection?
When in your within she is the sole selection!

Feeling connected is the feeling..
That gives your wholesome healing!

Peace is what does prevail
And no storms in your sail

There's more to the connection
Than just affection

You can't have enough words to talk about it
It is one of the strongest life's unit

Feeling Connected!

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Quarter-way in 2020

The feel of emptiness when the mind is clogged
The feel of undeserving when in a breach of thoughts

Day in day out with the same rise and set of the sun
Just a change is what hearts are expecting to feel

The days are fogged with life's dark and chilly clouds
The might and the weak in dismay of what next
Solutions far from being suggested 
Who knew that the turn was here?

The drive of me to capture it in writing...
A stand still!

The squeeze that makes one circumscribed
Without playing an escapee of the situation
Where to run, all run, and refuge is ones soul
Where when you have the ball to pass, none plays.

And the sweet game is only..
A sole play!

Like a travail many are entangled
Working their way out
State departments started and withered
The initial zeal is no more.

Those in duty have changed their norm
Caution just like in a sanatorium
Trying to save and stabilize the economy
While others working from home their irony..

Unpaid leave with silent retrenchments
The squeeze in homes for daily bread
Nations are stuck in a quagmire
Being left with...
Only God.

......just an observation

Thursday 19 March 2020

In The Dark Of Day...

I don't want to mention its name
Just because it thrived to fame
From the East to West it spread
Leaving men and women dead

A plague as it may be
Stinging around like a bee

The rich the poor it chooses not
For it lacks the time to hunt sort
It is a hunter that's yet to be a prey
Days so few but we long this without delay
Measures to curb are all over exercised
Where in dark and light are not criticized 
Places of refuge it has contaminate
As it acts a substance to marinate
It is time to trace and erase the mess
Confession of sacrilege and He'll again bless 
Phobia can be felt among nations
What left is submission on orisons
Now is simply darkness in the day
Time to pray and not to play
His sufficient grace can not be taken for granted
When from grace we've fallen and our spirits haunted
To our fathers' faith we should return
Or to destruction we'll go if we spurn...

And from the Bible,
Malachi 4:5-6
…5. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful Day of the LORD. 6 And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers. Otherwise, I will come and strike the land with a curse.”