Monday 30 November 2015


Sometimes life seems so amazing
Till none can give its meaning
Get to understand the reason
We were not born for a season
There is a reason to live

Your manifest on earth matters
Because you came with a purpose
The greatest is to do your creators will
And all your desires He’ll fulfill
For there is a reason to live

Never ever give up the race
No matter how raging the case
We are bound to overcome
And all our enemies to circum
This is the reason to live

So for the highs and lows
Keep your blade steady of the saw
Look back not, the future awaits
So with your lines, fix with baits
And you shall have the reason to live…

All the best
As world sets

The test!


Day length wasn’t short but long
Till he understood where he belonged
In thoughts, he floats and drowns
As he witnessed each and every dawn
Travelling from East to West for the best
Like the sun, he worked without rest.

He climbed the hills and mountains
Admiring natures’ best natural fountains
Down the stream flowed the sweetest water
With a comparison to the one at the alter
Taking a drink or a sip from it
Immediately it makes you fit!

His hopes, dreams and ambitions
Were as fire as in a vision
Always his work was admirable
For potentially he was able
He worked with ease, simplicity
As specialization deals with specificity

There was low rate of respiration
Because he was led by inspiration
Positive thinking reflected his optimism
This made him a unique organism
It wouldn’t be strange to see him blessed
‘cause he struggles as if possessed

 Prosperity comes from the busy of a bee
And a glittering example he lives to be…


I searched for silver and gold
Till I found one and was bold
I tried to make it a worth treasure
Releasing it from the world’s pressure

No good is good without a deed
It was when I saw the reality indeed
You turned your hero to be just a friend
But this time I proclaim your end

You ate and drank from the fountain
Blessings in plenty from the mountain
Yes, manna fell and ceased from above
You too will cease as my faithful love

Calling you said ‘am asleep’
My eyes seeing you in his jeep
Few meters I stood away puzzled
That I said nothing when I called

I wanted to build and nourish your future
But you defined me as a foolish creature
Am I stupid to dress you for others?
Not me! Impossible and it bothers

My love, care and concern for you is dead
For with acid, my tummy you’ve fully fed
You never had time to love and understand
When loving you was all that I ever had

Sure!! Oh no.... There must be a way out of heartbreaks......
Ask me.....

Saturday 28 November 2015


It was all about fairy tales
As possessed by the narratives fantasy
Never thought it being real in humans
Until he saw a ripe fruit!

For the first time she lend an ear
But second time, ‘twas ears
Was as if he memorized the whole book
The most interesting ‘Cinderella’

His feelings were super to translate

Since she did more personify Cinderella
He knocked her door she opened the window
Narrating the beauty he sunk, ‘oh! Cinderella’

Accept my apology for I know realize
You are what I cannot live without
From fairy tales he leaped into reality
 The courage had to utter, I love you

“I hand to you the key to my hearts’ chambers
Promising you a king of my hearts empire
We shall strengthen every chord with love
Because the foundation is from the core”

Let us be patient for the one great day
When the golden rings will be our token
May God’s ship sail us safely through

As the fairy tale, happily ever after we’ll live


Released we were from them days
To find our paths from different ways
From central of town you went North
As you left a friend at your far South

We had to find and seek what’s life
Similar to animals like in the wildlife
It changed our ways of mind and style
But we never parted in our heart’s file

This was the greatest ever invisible tie
That will make history even if we die
You planted and nurtured our friendship
Which to date we sail in the same ship

How beautiful it is to count the beats
Of music at heart for the sweet treats
Here you came and proved me right
That love can conquer out of sight

What’s this strong that I just mellow?
In me a chamber you stay the hollow
What joy is joy without your presence?
I’ll be off mind, without common sense!

East or West no one will take your taste
My eyes did copy in the heart ‘twas paste
Many minds will mind but I’d mind most
For thou a treasure I’d live with to boast

That is the power of the invisible tie
Where friends nay end the tie till they die..

Friday 27 November 2015


Why should you have to prefer any
And can’t count its worth from a penny
It might look awkward and very funny
For varieties you have but preferably any

Any means a lot as its own vocabulary
Interestingly you use it to the contrary
Any is very common as you are the secretary
For varieties you have but preferably any

Any makes people decide for you
Making your dreams fail be true
Given one but secretly you’d rather two
For varieties you have but preferably any

Any will taste both sweet and bitter
Conclusively not understanding the better
For one decided not but thought any
For varieties you have but preferably any

 Any will lead you anywhere
It will have the choice whichever
East West it wouldn’t mind but wherever
For varieties you have but preferably any

Please go for the specific but not any
Even if it goes for the lowest penny
Am Not Yours from the abbreviated ANY
For varieties you have but preferably any

Avoid any when in need of someone
Avoid any when in need of something
Avoid any when in need of some time

‘For anyone can do anything at any time’


Far East raised the sun at a horizon
All yawning and stretching preparing for the day
Grandma on the three legged watching
With aunt in the hut as she enjoyed the heat
For it was windy for her out there
A time that pollination takes place

Mum dedicated her all as she stirred the porridge
As dad and grandpa set under a tree conversing
Sons were busy with the domesticated animals
While daughters cleaning any trace of dirt
Uncle with experience fastened the garden tools
As the season was filled with several activities

Breakfast was ready and all sat forming a circle
Sorghum, corn and millet were the main ingredients
This energized their muscles for the day’s chores
Assignments were delegated equally and managed
Team work was the drive to their success
As Rome was not just built in a day

From East to West the sun rolled down
Time that all prefer no much but rest
So back to the homestead they marched in accord
As to each other they gave an account for the day
Dinner was prepared and served as elders advised

And the dark night took over as they called gone the day

Wednesday 25 November 2015


It came like a breeze from the sea
With might and sound but no see
I heard of it and thought so beautiful
But did I have guts the way am fearful
Till one day I had to travel to the shore
Not knowing I will live to always adore
The day had to come, bitter or sweet
Yes, face to face, I didn't even tweet
Just expressing my image 'n mind
A way of weaving, hearts to do bind
Each word was responded by a smile
And I believed we could an extra mile
Talks, texts, hooks or visits we paid
One to another, our spirits did the aid
No struggle as we took correct steps
With ease we'll mount with no biceps
For by age we utter, sweeter is wine
And like the bold, I too say, 'I'll be fine'
Thus far I can only say how sweet
A song at heart you play right beat
For now I pause at stanza four
All lines being twenty four
Let me free you now my dove

And forever will you have my love.....


They were tied by rings at the alter
A lifetime ceremony, no other chapter
If love ‘tis what binds hearts together
Why then should we think not forever?

He narrates how he does keep peace
Making all doubts and worries to cease
‘I take the blame to all accusals,’ he says
For anger I befriend not as it never pays

Mountains and valleys we climb and slide
One to another it behooves stay side by side
He is to blame when things amiss at work
So, he does best to fade her thoughts to pack

You may ask, “Is she ever wrong?”
Of course, she may but sing right song!
Cover all her acts with love so tight
And when wrong, never take a flight!

Monday 23 November 2015


Have you ever thought the pay of being ill motive?
Consequences are just but a bunch of things negative!
Human mind has the ability to sample with optimism
For he is the only heavens’ treasured unique organism

Daily race with challenges they are filled
But a positive mind it can never be drilled
Sanity will say, ”let me try for giving up, never”
The contrary whispering, “Will you make it ever”

Now you better stand strong proclaim decision
As ‘tis not only your dreams but also your vision
From the two, negative or positive you will yield
Thus either of them, structure you, it will build.

One to another let us be a keeper a brother
It will help us dreams achieve and even go further
Practice all these letting love be the control tower
You will be surprised as victory will be every hour

Time now to change or better your best
As its practice is not more a virtuous test
If together we can say I’m no more negative

Then forever together we’ll say we are positive..


Little did I know that nature you can teach?
Till a day when was out to me you did reach

From the blues of the sky to me was a sign
And ever since the language you did reign

I read from you and wisdom I am blessed
And if I heeded not my heart has repented

You deliver your best at the invisible states
That all days I deduce you bringing my tastes

Amazing from the wind to make a tree bend
Lovely when a leaf to ground forever is send

The sun to us does give warmth and heat
Not only that but vitamins the skin does eat

Mountains and valleys how amazing the scene
Offering the unsurpassed of the nations’ serene

Blacks and whites, we come from different races
Racism and tribalism should not be our cases

More of you I can freely talk, nature

For your comparison is only your stature!