Monday 30 November 2015


Day length wasn’t short but long
Till he understood where he belonged
In thoughts, he floats and drowns
As he witnessed each and every dawn
Travelling from East to West for the best
Like the sun, he worked without rest.

He climbed the hills and mountains
Admiring natures’ best natural fountains
Down the stream flowed the sweetest water
With a comparison to the one at the alter
Taking a drink or a sip from it
Immediately it makes you fit!

His hopes, dreams and ambitions
Were as fire as in a vision
Always his work was admirable
For potentially he was able
He worked with ease, simplicity
As specialization deals with specificity

There was low rate of respiration
Because he was led by inspiration
Positive thinking reflected his optimism
This made him a unique organism
It wouldn’t be strange to see him blessed
‘cause he struggles as if possessed

 Prosperity comes from the busy of a bee
And a glittering example he lives to be…

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