Saturday 28 November 2015


It was all about fairy tales
As possessed by the narratives fantasy
Never thought it being real in humans
Until he saw a ripe fruit!

For the first time she lend an ear
But second time, ‘twas ears
Was as if he memorized the whole book
The most interesting ‘Cinderella’

His feelings were super to translate

Since she did more personify Cinderella
He knocked her door she opened the window
Narrating the beauty he sunk, ‘oh! Cinderella’

Accept my apology for I know realize
You are what I cannot live without
From fairy tales he leaped into reality
 The courage had to utter, I love you

“I hand to you the key to my hearts’ chambers
Promising you a king of my hearts empire
We shall strengthen every chord with love
Because the foundation is from the core”

Let us be patient for the one great day
When the golden rings will be our token
May God’s ship sail us safely through

As the fairy tale, happily ever after we’ll live

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