Wednesday 18 November 2015


She walked down the forest to search

Filled with positives at mind to get a catch

Tender, rough, thorny and sharp were of varieties

This made decision not easy from them parties

Leaves, of narrow and wide made it complex

Roots, stem, branches and fruits her mind did perplex


Ask her, she knows the right herb to pluck

For she knows the sweet sap when you see her suck

Bitter many times at mouth but tummy says sweet

She knows its worth when from forest by a fleet

Sorting and mixing contents for a pure solution

While she thanks nature for provision in the mission


From near and far ladies and gentlemen do visit

As her popularity pointed by a client’s revisit

Like fire on dry grassland vegetation she is fame

Since all the malady and contagion she does tame

Her chemistry of tradition so super none to beat

That secretly doctors refer when doomed of treat


That is her power for great love of herbs

As in her lifetime she isn’t ready to open new tabs

Round the cardinal points she protects vegetation cover

For it is the only thing she calls her only lover

Hey! Herbs not herbs as you’ve read lines so more

Ha-ha! A satire, ‘tis a man’s love how he does adore!

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