Friday 27 November 2015


Far East raised the sun at a horizon
All yawning and stretching preparing for the day
Grandma on the three legged watching
With aunt in the hut as she enjoyed the heat
For it was windy for her out there
A time that pollination takes place

Mum dedicated her all as she stirred the porridge
As dad and grandpa set under a tree conversing
Sons were busy with the domesticated animals
While daughters cleaning any trace of dirt
Uncle with experience fastened the garden tools
As the season was filled with several activities

Breakfast was ready and all sat forming a circle
Sorghum, corn and millet were the main ingredients
This energized their muscles for the day’s chores
Assignments were delegated equally and managed
Team work was the drive to their success
As Rome was not just built in a day

From East to West the sun rolled down
Time that all prefer no much but rest
So back to the homestead they marched in accord
As to each other they gave an account for the day
Dinner was prepared and served as elders advised

And the dark night took over as they called gone the day

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